Organización o proyecto Registros Enlace
(1) EOD - eBird Observation Dataset 9.065.016 Detalles
(2) iNaturalist Research-grade Observations 445.599 Detalles
(3) Tropicos Specimens Non-MO 401.979 Detalles
(4) Tropicos MO Specimen Data 262.662 Detalles
(5) NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US) 132.671 Detalles
(6) International Barcode of Life project (iBOL) 110.434 Detalles
(7) The AAU Herbarium Database 102.754 Detalles
(8) Galapagos Subtidal Biodiversity 92.554 Detalles
(9) Colección de Anfibios del Museo de Zoología QCAZ 77.339 Detalles
(10) Registro de trampas cámara del monitoreo a escala de paisajes 72.728 Detalles
(11) The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY) 53.854 Detalles
(12) Aarhus University Palm Transect Database 53.037 Detalles
(13) Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S) 49.109 Detalles
(14), Nature data from around the World 43.876 Detalles
(15) Colección plantas vasculares del Herbario Reinaldo Espinosa (Herbario LOJA) de la Universidad Nacional de Loja 43.345 Detalles
(16) Snow Entomological Museum Collection 32.803 Detalles
(17) KUBI Herpetology Collection 32.324 Detalles
(18) INSDC Sequences 29.810 Detalles
(19) Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world 29.792 Detalles
(20) Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 29.540 Detalles
(21) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens 26.804 Detalles
(22) UJ Nature Education Centre - the Lepidoptera Collection 25.344 Detalles
(23) AMNH Bird Collection 24.774 Detalles
(24) Herbario Estación Científica Charles Darwin 23.459 Detalles
(25) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany 21.686 Detalles
(26) LACM Entomology Collection 20.154 Detalles
(27) Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Seed Plant Collection 19.114 Detalles
(28) Información florística del Proyecto Mapa de Vegetación para la Clasificación de Ecosistemas del Ecuador Continental 19.085 Detalles
(29) Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens 18.882 Detalles
(30) University of Minnesota Insect Collection 18.136 Detalles
(31) Colección de Reptiles del Museo de Zoología QCAZ 17.519 Detalles
(32) A global database for the distributions of crop wild relatives 16.799 Detalles
(33) HUTPL Vascular Plants 14.081 Detalles
(34) Partial Amphibians Collection 13.558 Detalles
(35) Registro de avistamientos de fauna durante recorridos de control y vigilancia en el Parque Nacional Yasuní 13.192 Detalles
(36) The University and Jepson Herbaria -- Vascular Plants 12.842 Detalles
(37) Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Ornithology Collection 12.580 Detalles
(38) Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg 11.153 Detalles
(39) Herps Specimens 10.431 Detalles
(40) CAS Ornithology (ORN) 10.096 Detalles
(41) Diversity and abundance of the entomofauna of the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco, Ecuador 9.636 Detalles
(42) Texas A&M University Insect Collection 8.934 Detalles
(43) CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Plantas Vasculares (MA) 8.166 Detalles
(44) MSB Amphibian and Reptile Collection (Arctos) 7.878 Detalles
(45) Tropical epiphyte diversity under human impact ? Comparing primary forests, secondary forests, and forest fragments in Ecuador - Otonga 7.582 Detalles
(46) Macaulay Library Audio and Video Collection 7.502 Detalles
(47) LACM Vertebrate Collection 7.485 Detalles
(48) AMNH Mammal Collections 7.016 Detalles
(49) naturgucker 7.011 Detalles
(50) Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database 6.809 Detalles
(51) Harvard University Herbaria: All Records 6.434 Detalles
(52) CAS Botany (BOT) 6.323 Detalles
(53) AMNH Herpetology Collections 6.218 Detalles
(54) CAS Herpetology (HERP) 6.166 Detalles
(55) MLZ Bird Collection (Arctos) 6.121 Detalles
(56) Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR) 6.100 Detalles
(57) Reef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset 6.042 Detalles
(58) Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Zoology 6.042 Detalles
(59) The vascular plants collection (P) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 5.698 Detalles
(60) DAV - University of California, Davis Center for Plant Diversity - Vascular Plants 5.660 Detalles
(61) Registro de avistamientos de fauna durante recorridos de control y vigilancia en el Parque Nacional Antisana 5.632 Detalles
(62) Monitoreo de señales y huellas de fauna mediante senderos en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Pambilar 5.628 Detalles
(63) Colección de reptiles del Museo de Historia Natural "Gustavo Orcés V." de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional 5.404 Detalles
(64) Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection 5.346 Detalles
(65) MUTPL Invertebrate Collection 5.339 Detalles
(66) Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology 5.184 Detalles
(67) CAS Entomology (ENT) 4.708 Detalles
(68) INSDC Host Organism Sequences 4.629 Detalles
(69) Vertebrates of the Gothenburg Natural History Museum (GNM) 4.341 Detalles
(70) CAS Ichthyology (ICH) 4.312 Detalles
(71) WFVZ Bird Collections 4.267 Detalles
(72) Banco de Vida/ CJ Museum/ Amphibian collection 4.258 Detalles
(73) Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium 4.244 Detalles
(74) Palaeobiology - Vertebrate Fossils Collection - Mammalia - Royal Ontario Museum 4.189 Detalles
(75) The System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER) 4.116 Detalles
(76) Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection 4.008 Detalles
(77) AntWeb 3.862 Detalles
(78) Edinburgh (E) Herbarium Specimens 3.840 Detalles
(79) Scarabaeidae of the Museo de Zoología LOUNAZ-UNL 3.803 Detalles
(80) Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Bird Collection 3.759 Detalles
(81) LACM Malacology 3.700 Detalles
(82) CAS Invertebrate Zoology (IZ) 3.699 Detalles
(83) LSUMZ Birds Collection 3.663 Detalles
(84) Charles University Prague - Herbarium PRC 3.617 Detalles
(85) Birds of Cerro Blanco: new records and richness update 3.608 Detalles
(86) The Lepidoptera collection (EL) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 3.523 Detalles
(87) Distribution of planktic foraminifera in ODP Site 202-1240 samples 3.520 Detalles
(88) Mosquito Occurrence Dataset 3.453 Detalles
(89) Carl W. & Marian E. Rettenmeyer Army Ant Guest Collection 3.443 Detalles
(90) Fungario QCAM 3.385 Detalles
(91) University of Michigan Herbarium 3.368 Detalles
(92) Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL) 3.275 Detalles
(93) Neptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database 3.163 Detalles
(94) Diversity and abundance of the herpetofauna of the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco, Ecuador during the dry season 3.126 Detalles
(95) Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 3.006 Detalles
(96) Paleobiology Database 2.914 Detalles
(97) UF Invertebrate Zoology 2.906 Detalles
(98) Natural History Museum, Vienna - Herbarium W 2.903 Detalles
(99) (Appendix) Relative abundance of planktonic foraminifera in ODP Site 138-846 late Quaternary sediments 2.881 Detalles
(100) Bryophyte herbarium, Göttingen (GOET) 2.808 Detalles
(101) Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Pteridophyte Collection 2.784 Detalles
(102) NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records (USNM) 2.760 Detalles
(103) University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS) 2.755 Detalles
(104) University of South Florida Herbarium (USF) 2.729 Detalles
(105) Collection Aves (bird skins) SMF 2.727 Detalles
(106) Canadian Museum of Nature Insect Collection 2.708 Detalles
(107) Bioversity Collecting Mission Database 2.694 Detalles
(108) RBINS DaRWIN 2.691 Detalles
(109) Registro de Cámaras Trampa del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Pambilar 2.649 Detalles
(110) Museum of Texas Tech University Mammalogy Collection 2.544 Detalles
(111) Visual Plants ( - Herbarium specimen from the Estacion Scientifica San Francisco, Southern Ecuador 2.532 Detalles
(112) Herpetofauna of the protective forest Cerro blanco during the rainy season 2.384 Detalles
(113) The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 2.360 Detalles
(114) Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences 2.357 Detalles
(115) Fungi (S) 2.306 Detalles
(116) MSU Mammalogy, Ornithology and Vertebrate Paleontology Collections 2.289 Detalles
(118) Colecciones Invertebrados, Anfibios, Reptiles y Mamíferos del Museo de Zoología QCAZ 2.264 Detalles
(119) Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University 2.264 Detalles
(120) Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data 2.244 Detalles
(121) Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium 2.164 Detalles
(122) Heliconiine Butterfly Collection Records from University of Cambridge 2.163 Detalles
(123) NMNH Material Samples (USNM) 2.150 Detalles
(124) Lichens at Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B) 2.103 Detalles
(125) Museo de Entomología Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo 2.102 Detalles
(126) Herbarium Berolinense, Berlin (B) 2.099 Detalles
(127) hymenoptera 2.092 Detalles
(128) Entomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum 2.084 Detalles
(129) Colección de plantas vasculares del Herbario de la Universidad Técnica del Norte 2.081 Detalles
(130) NHMD Ornithology Collection 2.007 Detalles
(131) The University and Jepson Herbaria -- Algae 2.004 Detalles
(132) Herbario Azuay de la Universidad del Azuay: Colección de plantas vasculares 1.999 Detalles
(133) Coleção Entomológica Padre Jesus Santiago Moure (DZUP) - Coleoptera 1.996 Detalles
(134) Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Mammal Collection 1.984 Detalles
(135) United States National Plant Germplasm System Collection 1.956 Detalles
(136) Catálogo de especies registradas en el Herbario ICAI 1.901 Detalles
(137) SINGER Coordinator 1.897 Detalles
(138) Marine mammal sightings off Galápagos 1.896 Detalles
(139) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Fungarium Specimens 1.882 Detalles
(140) RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection 1.870 Detalles
(141) Análisis de cobertura vegetal post-fuego en el páramo del Atacazo 1.861 Detalles
(142) Colección de Vertebrados Estación Científica Charles Darwin 1.852 Detalles
(143) University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Lichen Collection 1.851 Detalles
(144) Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Entomological Collection 1.843 Detalles
(145) Lund University Biological Museum - Botanical collection (LD) 1.836 Detalles
(146) Registro de varamientos de megafauna marina en Ecuador continental 1.823 Detalles
(147) Colección del Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos del MMCIITT 1.819 Detalles
(148) Botany (UPS) 1.819 Detalles
(149) RPSP - Coleção Entomológica Prof. J.M.F. Camargo, FFCLRP/USP 1.817 Detalles
(150) University of Amsterdam (NL) - Páramo vegetation research, Ecuador. 1.808 Detalles
(151) Plant Resources Center 1.806 Detalles
(152) Plantas Vasculares del Herbario ESPOCH 1.802 Detalles
(153) Monitoreo en playas de anidación de tortugas marinas en Ecuador continental 1.801 Detalles
(154) USDA United States National Fungus Collections 1.797 Detalles
(155) Monitoreo biológico de especies de anfibios desarrollado por el proyecto PARG 1.748 Detalles
(156) Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology Collection 1.737 Detalles
(157) MBM herbarium - Museu Botânico Municipal \ Curitiba - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1.727 Detalles
(158) University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians 1.689 Detalles
(159) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves 1.677 Detalles
(160) MUTPL Amphibian Collection 1.663 Detalles
(161) Colección de plantas vasculares y no vasculares del Herbario de la Universidad Católica del Ecuador (QCA) 1.613 Detalles
(162) SIO Marine Vertebrate Collection 1.593 Detalles
(163) University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Insects 1.592 Detalles
(164) MBM - Herbário do Museu Botânico Municipal 1.576 Detalles
(165) Investigación y monitoreo de avifauna con estaciones de anillamiento permanentes en el Chocó Andino 1.574 Detalles
(166) Delaware Museum of Nature & Science — Birds 1.566 Detalles
(167) University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium 1.564 Detalles
(168) Lyman Entomological Museum (LEMQ) 1.554 Detalles
(169) Paleontological Research Institution Collections 1.540 Detalles
(170) Mammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum 1.536 Detalles
(171) SBMNH Vertebrate Zoology 1.530 Detalles
(172) Geneva Herbarium – General Collection (G) 1.528 Detalles
(173) CAS Geology (GEO) 1.525 Detalles
(174) MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos) 1.524 Detalles
(175) Monitoreo piloto en parcelas de medición permanente en la comunidad Kupatas, proyecto piloto de Manejo Forestal Sostenible. 1.509 Detalles
(176) Distribution of planktic foraminifers of core 138-846B 1.477 Detalles
(177) RBINS Mollusc collection 1.464 Detalles
(178) The Orthoptera collection (EO) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 1.412 Detalles
(179) Colección de Ornitología del Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcés V. 1.390 Detalles
(180) Auburn University Museum of Natural History Entomology 1.371 Detalles
(181) Delaware Museum of Nature and Science – Mollusks 1.354 Detalles
(182) University of Vienna, Institute for Botany - Herbarium WU 1.328 Detalles
(183) Herbario HUTI de la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica 1.321 Detalles
(184) Collection tropical liverworts serving as vectors for symbiotic fungi at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart 1.315 Detalles
(185) Lund University Biological Museum - Insect collections Inventory 1.309 Detalles
(186) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Arachnology National Collection (MACNAr) 1.299 Detalles
(187) NEOTROPICMYXO. A database of Myxomycetes from the Neotropics 1.297 Detalles
(188) Bird Collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS 1.283 Detalles
(189) University of Florida Herpetology 1.282 Detalles
(190) (Table 4) Distribution of Miocene planktonic foraminifers in sediments of ODP Hole 138-846B 1.263 Detalles
(191) Aves como bioindicadoras de calidad ambiental en áreas conservadas e intervenidas de tres ecosistemas del volcán Atacazo (Pinchincha-Ecuador) 1.254 Detalles
(192) University of Miami, Voss Marine Invertebrate Collections 1.251 Detalles
(193) The birds collection (ZO) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 1.250 Detalles
(194) Registro de avistamientos de fauna durante recorridos de control y vigilancia en el Refugio de vida Silvestre Pambilar 1.249 Detalles
(195) University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection 1.241 Detalles
(196) Lista preliminar de peces del Parque Nacional Yasuní de la colección de Ictiología del Museo de Historia Natural "Gustavo Orcés V." 1.228 Detalles
(197) SDNHM Marine Invertebrate Collection 1.223 Detalles
(198) Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Amphibian and Reptile Collection 1.216 Detalles
(199) Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANB) AVH data 1.212 Detalles
(200) Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan 1.194 Detalles
(201) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Biología, Acalypha 1.182 Detalles
(202) Monitoreo de anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas) en las Islas Galápagos 1.179 Detalles
(203) Subseafloor microbiome project 1.172 Detalles
(204) Marcaje satelital de manta raya oceánica (Mobula birostris) en las aguas costeras de Ecuador 1.169 Detalles
(205) MIZ PAS Zoological Collections 1.167 Detalles
(206) Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection 1.153 Detalles
(207) Academy of Natural Sciences Ichthyology Collection 1.151 Detalles
(208) KUBI Ornithology Collection 1.143 Detalles
(210) University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds 1.131 Detalles
(211) Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum 1.088 Detalles
(212) UPCB - Herbário do Departamento de Botânica 1.086 Detalles
(213) University of Alabama Herbarium 1.062 Detalles
(214) Colección Marina Estación Científica Charles Darwin 1.060 Detalles
(215) Plantas del Jardín Botánico Reinaldo Espinosa de la Universidad Nacional de Loja 1.044 Detalles
(216) Community structure of flora biodiversity in the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco 1.042 Detalles
(217) Happywhale - Humpback whale in South Pacific Ocean 1.041 Detalles
(218) University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Bryophyte Collection 1.041 Detalles
(219) MSB Mammal Collection (Arctos) 1.039 Detalles
(220) Herbario Jardín Botánico de Cartagena "Guillermo Piñeres" 974 Detalles
(221) DORSA - German Orthoptera Collections 959 Detalles
(222) KUBI Ichthyology Collection 958 Detalles
(223) MSUM Ichthyology and Herpetology Collections 952 Detalles
(224) FishBase Database 951 Detalles
(225) Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) - Historical Photographs of Type Specimens from Berlin (B) 951 Detalles
(226) Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates 947 Detalles
(227) Vascular Plant Herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO 935 Detalles
(228) Reptile Specimens 933 Detalles
(229) observations 933 Detalles
(230) Colección Vertebrados Museo de Zoología de la USFQ 931 Detalles
(231) University of California Museum of Paleontology 931 Detalles
(232) National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data 929 Detalles
(233) Registros biológicos del género Piper en el herbario HUA 929 Detalles
(234) Caracterización de la Biodiversidad Microbiológica y de Invertebrados de la Reserva Marina "El Pelado" a escala Taxonómica, Metabolómica y Meta genómica para su uso en salud humana y animal 927 Detalles
(235) EURISCO, The European Genetic Resources Search Catalogue 912 Detalles
(236) K herbarium - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 911 Detalles
(237) Mosses (S) 909 Detalles
(238) The Coleoptera collection (EC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 906 Detalles
(239) ZFMK Diptera Collection 905 Detalles
(240) University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals 900 Detalles
(241) The Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research 898 Detalles
(242) Herbarium - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) 895 Detalles
(243) ZFMK Ornithology collection 878 Detalles
(244) Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium - Vascular Plants 874 Detalles
(245) A Distribution and Taxonomic Reference Dataset of Geranium (Geraniaceae) in the New World 830 Detalles
(246) MONITOREO DE BIODIVERSIDAD DEL INTERMAREAL ROCOSO Reservas Marinas: El Pelado, Bajo Copé y Cantagallo – Machalilla 823 Detalles
(247) SANT Herbarium vascular plants collection 822 Detalles
(248) Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) 812 Detalles
(249) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca 799 Detalles
(250) Duke University Herbarium Bryophyte Collection 794 Detalles
(251) Insect specimens of Kashihara City Museum of Insect 786 Detalles
(252) Biodiversitätsdatenbank Salzburg 777 Detalles
(253) Abilene Christian University Mammal Specimens (Arctos) 768 Detalles
(254) Colección de Plantas Vasculares del Herbario UTCEC 761 Detalles
(255) MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos) 755 Detalles
(256) CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Hongos (MA-Fungi) 748 Detalles
(257) Macroinvertebrate and algae occurrence data collection of the Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática of the Universidad de Cuenca 747 Detalles
(258) Arachnofauna of the tropical dry forest in the Cerro Blanco Protected Forest, Ecuador 745 Detalles
(259) Capacidad de los ecosistemas para suministrar servicios ambientales del bosque protector Oglán Alto - Arajuno. 743 Detalles
(260) Vanderbilt University Herbarium 734 Detalles
(261) ZFMK Herpetology collection 728 Detalles
(262) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid: MNCN_Herpeto 728 Detalles
(263) Geneva Herbarium – De Candolle's Prodromus (G-DC) 707 Detalles
(264) R - Herbário do Museu Nacional 694 Detalles
(265) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Cord 692 Detalles
(266) Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Invertebrate Collection 687 Detalles
(267) G. S. Torrey Herbarium at the University of Connecticut (CONN) 683 Detalles
(268) Angelo State Natural History Collections (ASNHC) Mammal specimens (Arctos) 682 Detalles
(269) SysTax - Zoological Collections 681 Detalles
(270) University of Florida Herbarium - Bryophytes 674 Detalles
(271) Collection Herpetology SMF 672 Detalles
(272) Colección de peces del Museo de Historia Natural "Gustavo Orcés V." 670 Detalles
(273) Museo de Ictiología de la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (MZUTI) 664 Detalles
(274) Colección Invertebrados Museo de Zoología de la USFQ 658 Detalles
(275) Monitoreo satelital de condor andino (Vultur gryphus) en Ecuador 656 Detalles
(276) Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region 649 Detalles
(277) NHMO Bird collection 641 Detalles
(278) The mammals collection (ZM) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 641 Detalles
(279) United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich 637 Detalles
(280) Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (FTG) 630 Detalles
(281) Canadian Museum of Nature Fish Collection 624 Detalles
(282) MUTPL Mammal Collection 618 Detalles
(283) Duke University Herbarium Lichen Collection 615 Detalles
(284) RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium 612 Detalles
(285) Natural History Museum Rotterdam - Specimens 609 Detalles
(286) Historical distribution of whales shown by logbook records 1785-1913 600 Detalles
(287) Monitoreo de aves en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Pambilar 600 Detalles
(288) Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University 600 Detalles
(289) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Amphibia and Reptilia 599 Detalles
(290) Coleção Entomológica do Museu Nacional / UFRJ 595 Detalles
(291) CM Birds Collection 592 Detalles
(292) University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Entomology Collection (UTIC) 588 Detalles
(293) The University and Jepson Herbaria -- Bryophytes 584 Detalles
(294) Australian Tropical Herbarium (CNS) AVH data 560 Detalles
(295) Ornithology Collection Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum 553 Detalles
(296) Distribución nictemeral del zooplancton en la zona costera de la Isla de la Plata, Pto. López - Ecuador 550 Detalles
(297) Caracterización de la Biodiversidad Microbiológica y de Invertebrados de la Reserva Marina "El Pelado" a escala Taxonómica, Metabolómica y Metagenómica para su uso en salud humana y animal 547 Detalles
(298) World Plant Specimen from the Herbaria in China 545 Detalles
(299) Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Botany Collection 543 Detalles
(300) Coleção de Aves do Museu Nacional / UFRJ 530 Detalles
(301) The fishes collection (IC) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 528 Detalles
(302) Ornithology Collection Non Passeriformes - Royal Ontario Museum 522 Detalles
(303) Bernice P. Bishop Museum 516 Detalles
(304) Moluscos terrestres del Museo de Historia Natural "Gustavo Orcés V." 513 Detalles
(305) R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology 512 Detalles
(306) CHSC - Ahart Herbarium, CSU Chico - Vascular Plants 501 Detalles
(308) MfN - Fossil vertebrates IV 496 Detalles
(309) Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum 491 Detalles
(310) Relative abundance of Neogene nannofossils at ODP Site 138-846 from the eastern equatorial Pacific 490 Detalles
(311) Galapagos grasses and sedges 489 Detalles
(312) BMSM Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum 488 Detalles
(313) Damselflies of the genus Argia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from Ecuador with descriptions of five new species 487 Detalles
(314) University of Alberta E. H. Strickland Entomological Museum (UASM) 479 Detalles
(315) ZFMK Mammalia collection 468 Detalles
(316) LSUMZ Herp Tissues 464 Detalles
(317) Mashpi Entomology Museum 462 Detalles
(318) CUMV Bird Collection 462 Detalles
(319) MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos) 461 Detalles
(320) Beaty Biodiversity Museum Fish Collection 455 Detalles
(321) Diversidad de Quiropterofauna en la Cueva Los Guayacanes del barrio El Salado, parroquia Chicaña, Cantón Yantzaza, Zamora Chinchipe 453 Detalles
(322) Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Fungi Collection 449 Detalles
(323) Three new Eustala (Araneae, Araneidae) species from the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador) 448 Detalles
(324) Fungarium, Oslo (O) UiO 446 Detalles
(325) North Carolina State University Insect Collection 441 Detalles
(326) The reptiles and amphibians collection (RA) of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 439 Detalles
(327) Cremastosperma (Annonaceae) specimen data 439 Detalles
(328) Herpetology 437 Detalles
(329) MEXU/Colección de Briofitas 434 Detalles
(330) Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory 428 Detalles
(331) Mastofauna of the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco during the dry season 428 Detalles
(332) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Juergen Homeier 427 Detalles
(333) MBML-Aves - Coleção de Aves MBML 424 Detalles
(334) University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Bryophytes Collection 423 Detalles
(335) CABI Bioscience Fungus Collection 421 Detalles
(336) Pl@ntNet observations 415 Detalles
(337) The Myxomycetes Collections at the Botanische Staatssammlung München - Collection of Martin Schnittler 411 Detalles
(338) RBINS Bird collection 404 Detalles
(339) The Myxomycetes Collections at the Botanische Staatssammlung München - Collection of Hermann Neubert 403 Detalles
(340) Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium 397 Detalles
(341) FKt230918 expedition – Vertical Reef of the Galapagos 394 Detalles
(342) Essig Museum of Entomology 387 Detalles
(344) UF FLMNH Ichthyology 383 Detalles
(345) SDNHM Herpetology Collection 381 Detalles
(346) Tropical epiphyte diversity under human impact ? Comparing primary forests, secondary forests, and forest fragments in Ecuador - Bilsa 380 Detalles
(347) Colecciones biológicas de Anfibios MZUA 376 Detalles
(348) The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Ecuador including the description of five new species, a new subtribe, four new synonymies, and fifteen new records 374 Detalles
(349) Small-eared shrews (Mammalia, Cryptotis) in the Neotropical region 372 Detalles
(350) Bird specimens of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 363 Detalles
(351) Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Herbarium 361 Detalles
(352) sarce_rockyshores 361 Detalles
(353) Caracterización Submareal del Islote el Pelado 358 Detalles
(354) ZFMK Orthoptera collection 356 Detalles
(355) Type locality distributions from the World Register of Marine Species 355 Detalles
(356) Herbario de Botánica Económica del Ecuador QUSF 355 Detalles
(357) UTA Amphibians 354 Detalles
(358) Entomological Collections (NHRS), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) 353 Detalles
(359) Evaluación submareal de los bajos “EL ACUARIO” y “RABO DEL VIEJO” de la Reserva Marina El Pelado, Provincia de Santa Elena - 2023 352 Detalles
(360) UWBM Invertebrate Paleontology Collection 351 Detalles
(361) Miami University Turrell Herbarium - Vascular Plants 350 Detalles
(362) Duke University Vascular Plant Collection 346 Detalles
(363) Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM 342 Detalles
(364) Arizona State University Hasbrouck Insect Collection 341 Detalles
(365) P herbarium - Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 339 Detalles
(366) SPF - Herbário da Universidade de São Paulo 334 Detalles
(367) Diversity and abundance of the ichthyofauna of the Cerro Blanco Protected Forest, Ecuador 332 Detalles
(368) Cleveland Museum of Natural History 332 Detalles
(369) MUTPL Reptile Collection 332 Detalles
(370) Registro de especie Arapaima gigas en la provincia de Orellana del 2017 329 Detalles
(371) Registros de conflicto humano-fauna en Ecuador desde el año 2009 al 2022 326 Detalles
(372) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Foraminifera National Collection (MACNFo) 322 Detalles
(373) Monitoreos del proyecto construcción operación mantenimiento cierre y abandono del dragado de profundización y mantenimiento del canal de acceso a las terminales portuarias marítimas y fluviales públicas y privadas de Guayaquil 320 Detalles
(374) Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah 320 Detalles
(375) Collection Arachnology SMF 317 Detalles
(376) Nymphalidae Ithomiinae 313 Detalles
(377) Snake River Plain Herbarium (Boise State University, Idaho, USA) 305 Detalles
(378) Diversidad genética de la colección nacional de maní (Arachis hypogaea L.) del Banco Nacional de Germoplasma del INIAP 302 Detalles
(379) KUBI Mammalogy Collection 300 Detalles
(380) American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) Crustacea Collection 300 Detalles
(381) Colecciones Botánicas del Herbario Q-QAP de la Universidad Central del Ecuador 299 Detalles
(382) Micoteca para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad Ruth Moore 298 Detalles
(383) University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection 297 Detalles
(384) Herbario MAT de la Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi 297 Detalles
(385) Vertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum 295 Detalles
(386) SP - Herbário do Estado "Maria Eneyda P. Kaufmann Fidalgo" - Coleção de Fanerógamas 293 Detalles
(387) University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mollusks 293 Detalles
(388) UEC - Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Campinas 291 Detalles
(389) Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum 288 Detalles
(390) NOAA Deep Sea Corals Research and Technology Program 287 Detalles
(391) Determinación de la calidad de agua utilizando macroinvertebrados en la microcuenca del río Perípa de la parroquia Puerto Limón de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Ecuador 285 Detalles
(392) Lund University Biological Museum - Insect collections Specimens 282 Detalles
(393) Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum 279 Detalles
(394) CAS Mammalogy (MAM) 278 Detalles
(395) Coleção Entomológica Padre Jesus Santiago Moure (DZUP) - Hemiptera 275 Detalles
(396) CAS Ornithology Egg & Nest (EGG) 275 Detalles
(397) CM Herps Collection 272 Detalles
(398) Coleópteros del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Técnica del Norte 270 Detalles
(399) The Vascular Plant Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München 261 Detalles
(400) Colección Botánica del Herbario IVIC 261 Detalles
(401) Cambridge University Herbarium (CGE) 260 Detalles
(402) Arachnida Araneae do Museu Nacional (MNRJ ARAC ARAN) 260 Detalles
(403) Copepoda of the Equatorial Eastern Pacific 260 Detalles
(404) Happywhale - Humpback whale in North Pacific Ocean 259 Detalles
(405) The Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection 258 Detalles
(406) Resultados de la implementación del Protocolo de colección de datos para el muestreo de primates y guacamayo verde mayor en la Costa ecuatoriana 257 Detalles
(407) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Economic Botany Collection Specimens 255 Detalles
(408) Composition of planktonic foraminifera species in 1123 surface sediment samples compared with sea surface temperatures from the Levitus Atlas 255 Detalles
(409) UTEP Insects (Arctos) 250 Detalles
(410) R herbarium - Herbário do Museu Nacional - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 249 Detalles
(411) UCBG TAPIR Provider 247 Detalles
(412) Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations 247 Detalles
(413) Carnegie Museum of Natural History - Mollusks 246 Detalles
(414) Colección biológica Reptiles del MZUA 242 Detalles
(415) Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Living Plant Collections (E) 241 Detalles
(416) Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium 241 Detalles
(417) Bryophyte Herbarium (H): Herbarium Generale 240 Detalles
(418) LACM Echinoderms 240 Detalles
(419) Vertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum 238 Detalles
(420) Colección de Solanales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV 238 Detalles
(421) Lichen herbarium, Oslo (O) UiO 237 Detalles
(422) ZMUT Insecta collections of Turku University 237 Detalles
(423) UWBM Ornithology Collection 236 Detalles
(424) CAS Entomology Type (TYPE) 235 Detalles
(425) Canadian Museum of Nature - National Biodiversity Cryobank of Canada 234 Detalles
(426) Aves MZS 232 Detalles
(427) Fish Collection NRM 231 Detalles
(428) Composición florística del componente leñoso del bosque siempreverde montano bajo, del Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza 228 Detalles
(429) Registro de avistamientos de fauna durante recorridos de control y vigilancia en la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo 225 Detalles
(430) Hexacorallians of the world 224 Detalles
(431) RBINS Crustacea collection 224 Detalles
(432) ZMH Mammalia collection 221 Detalles
(433) Marshall University 220 Detalles
(434) Palaeobiology - Vertebrate Fossils Collection - Non Mammalia - Royal Ontario Museum 219 Detalles
(435) Australian Museum provider for OZCAM 217 Detalles
(436) Colección especímenes del herbario amazónico del Ecuador (ECUAMZ) 216 Detalles
(437) Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium 215 Detalles
(438) Recent Invertebrates Specimens 214 Detalles
(439) TNHC Herpetology Collection 214 Detalles
(440) eButterfly Surveys 214 Detalles
(441) Colección de Herpetología del Museo de Zoología de la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (MZUTI) 214 Detalles
(442) UTA Reptiles 211 Detalles
(443) Colección de Invertebrados Terrestres Estación Científica Charles Darwin 209 Detalles
(444) Diversity and abundance of bats in the rainy season in Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco, Ecuador 208 Detalles
(445) UF Florida Museum of Natural History Ornithology 207 Detalles
(446) Arizona State University Charles W. O'Brien Collection 204 Detalles
(447) Odonata Collection 204 Detalles
(448) UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants 203 Detalles
(449) Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Eumycetozoan Databank 201 Detalles
(450) Instituto de Botánica Darwinion 201 Detalles
(451) UMZC Zoological Specimens 199 Detalles
(452) Diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates in the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco 198 Detalles
(453) Conservación ex-situ de plantas de bosque nublado en el Jardín Botánico de Quito 196 Detalles
(454) PSM Vertebrates Collection 195 Detalles
(455) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Chelicerata and Myriapoda 194 Detalles
(456) Catalogue of type specimens deposited in the Herpetology Collection of the Natural History Museum Gustavo Orcés V. at Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador) 193 Detalles
(457) A revision of the new world goblin spider genus Cinetomorpha Simon, 1892 revalidated from Gamasomorpha Karsch, 1881 (Araneae, Oonopidae, Oonopinae) 193 Detalles
(458) Programme CROMIS: carnet de plongée en ligne de la FFESSM-Observations d'espèces subaquatiques collectées par les utilisateurs de CROMIS 192 Detalles
(459) Museum of Texas Tech University Ornithology Collection 191 Detalles
(460) Mammals housed at MHNG, Geneva 190 Detalles
(461) Lichen specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS) 188 Detalles
(462) University of Georgia Herbarium 186 Detalles
(463) Frost Entomological Museum 185 Detalles
(464) Taxon occurrence data for the FungalRoot database 183 Detalles
(465) Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi - Araneae Collection 182 Detalles
(466) Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Cnidaria - Anthozoa and Hydrozoa 181 Detalles
(467) Auburn University Museum of Natural History Fishes Voucher Collections 180 Detalles
(468) New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD) 179 Detalles
(469) The Herpetology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart 178 Detalles
(470) HUEFS - Herbario da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana 178 Detalles
(471) Florida State Collection of Arthropods 177 Detalles
(472) DMNS Marine Invertebrate Collection (Arctos) 176 Detalles
(473) ICN - Universidad Nacional de Colombia 176 Detalles
(474) Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection (HWML) Parasite Collection (Arctos) 175 Detalles
(475) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Paleontology 175 Detalles
(476) SPF herbarium - Universidade de são Paulo - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 175 Detalles
(477) Museum of Texas Tech University Invertebrate Zoology Collection 174 Detalles
(478) Monitoring turtle nesting in Las Tunas and influences of biotic and anthropological anthropological factors on the hatching success of Lepidochelys olivacea 173 Detalles
(479) Primer Conteo de Primates en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas del Ecuador 173 Detalles
(480) Royal Ontario Museum Green Plant Herbarium (TRT) 172 Detalles
(481) CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture 171 Detalles
(482) Colección de Invertebrados del Museo de Zoología de la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (MZUTI) 169 Detalles
(483) Fish collection, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo 169 Detalles
(484) Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC, Mammal Collection 168 Detalles
(485) Bell Museum lichens 167 Detalles
(486) DMNS Bird Collection (Arctos) 167 Detalles
(487) Field Museum of Natural History (Action) Mammals Sightings 166 Detalles
(488) Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos americanos del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP) 165 Detalles
(489) Collection Pisces SMF 164 Detalles
(490) Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Bryophyte Collection 162 Detalles
(491) Bird Specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Japan 161 Detalles
(492) Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Echinoderms 159 Detalles
(493) ZMH Ichthyology collection 157 Detalles
(494) Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium 156 Detalles
(495) Sukkulentensammlung Zürich 155 Detalles
(496) A revision of the genus Bromeloecia Spuler (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) 153 Detalles
(497) Parasitic Platyhelminthes Collections 152 Detalles
(498) University of Jena, Herbarium Haussknecht - Herbarium JE 152 Detalles
(499) Coleção de Ictiologia do MZUSP 150 Detalles
(500) University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Bryophytes 147 Detalles
(501) A geographic distribution database of Mononychellus mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) on cassava (Manihot esculenta) 147 Detalles
(502) University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium 145 Detalles
(503) SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum 145 Detalles
(504) A species-level taxonomic review and host associations of Glyptapanteles (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) with an emphasis on 136 new reared species from Costa Rica and Ecuador 145 Detalles
(505) Bell Museum plants 142 Detalles
(506) IAN herbarium - Embrapa Amazônia Oriental - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 142 Detalles
(507) CABI Bioscience Genetic Resource Collection 141 Detalles
(508) Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (MACB) 141 Detalles
(512) NHMD Entomology Collection 140 Detalles
(509) INIA-CRF (CSIC) Plant genetic resources for agriculture and food base- collection 140 Detalles
(510) Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) - Fungi strains 140 Detalles
(513) University of Tennessee Bryophyte Herbarium 139 Detalles
(514) Herpetology Collection NRM 139 Detalles
(515) Canadian National Mycological Herbarium 139 Detalles
(516) Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium 138 Detalles
(518) MEXU/Plantas Vasculares 135 Detalles
(519) A geographic distribution database of the cassava whitefly complex (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) and their associated parasitoids and hyperparasitoids (Hymenoptera) 134 Detalles
(520) Integrative taxonomy of the genus Dyscolus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Platynini) in Ecuadorian Andes 133 Detalles
(521) The nematodes collection (IN) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 133 Detalles
(522) Earth Guardians Weekly Feed 132 Detalles
(523) University of Kentucky Insect Collection 131 Detalles
(524) HUEFS herbarium - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 130 Detalles
(525) herbario 130 Detalles
(526) The Brown University Foraminiferal Data Base (BFD) 128 Detalles
(527) Michigan State University Herbarium Lichens 128 Detalles
(528) Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium 127 Detalles
(529) Guayas Especies al Descubierto: APC Comuna Engabao (Animalia) 127 Detalles
(530) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Ulf Soltau 127 Detalles
(531) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Crustacea 126 Detalles
(532) UPCB herbarium - Universidade Federal de Paraná - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 126 Detalles
(533) Orchid Herbarium Collection 126 Detalles
(534) Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Porifera 125 Detalles
(535) Scolytodes Ferrari (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) from Ecuador: 40 new species 125 Detalles
(536) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Invertebrates National Collection (MACNIn) 124 Detalles
(537) Bryophyte Herbarium (H): V. F. Brotherus Herbarium (H-BR) 124 Detalles
(538) TUR Amazon research team collections 121 Detalles
(539) NHMD Ichthyology Collection 120 Detalles
(540) TUR Vascular plant collections of the Turku University, Herbarium generale 119 Detalles
(541) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Porifera 119 Detalles
(542) Monitoreo de anidación de aves marinas en la Isla de la Plata dentro del Parque Nacional Machalilla, Manabí - Ecuador 118 Detalles
(543) Tasmanian Herbarium (HO) AVH data 116 Detalles
(544) Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Botany 116 Detalles
(545) MG herbarium - Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 115 Detalles
(546) BHCB - Herbário da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 115 Detalles
(547) University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden DNA and Environmental Sample Collections 115 Detalles
(548) Record of medium and large mammals from the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco during the rainy season 114 Detalles
(549) Colección de plantas del Herbario Padre Luis Sodiro (QPLS) 114 Detalles
(550) Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen) 113 Detalles
(551) Ouellet-Robert Entomological Collection (QMOR) - Specimens 113 Detalles
(552) Borror Lab of Bioacoustics (BLB), Ohio State University 113 Detalles
(553) University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences - Herbarium GZU 113 Detalles
(554) Global records of the invasive freshwater apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) 112 Detalles
(555) Obtención de los códigos de barras genéticos de ADN de especies de arácnidos en los ecosistemas forestales de montaña del Ecuador organizados en una plataforma digital a través de una aplicación web para estudios de biodiversidad. 112 Detalles
(556) Field Museum of Natural History (Botany) Lichen Collection 112 Detalles
(557) Birda - Global Observation Dataset 110 Detalles
(558) CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Musgos (MA-Musci) 109 Detalles
(559) Monitoreo de anidación de tortugas marinas en la zona costera de Portoviejo y Sucre de la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador. 109 Detalles
(560) NHMD Vascular Plants Collection 107 Detalles
(561) Collection Crustacea SMF 106 Detalles
(562) Especies Vasculares Herbario Xiloteca Espoch 106 Detalles
(563) Amphibians and Reptiles collection at the Natural History Museum of Denmark (SNM) 106 Detalles
(564) South Australian Museum Adelaide provider for OZCAM 106 Detalles
(565) ZOBODAT (Zoological Botanical Database) 105 Detalles
(566) University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Mycological Collections 105 Detalles
(567) MUTPL Bird Collection 104 Detalles
(568) Fiocruz/CTIOC - Coleção de Triatomíneos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 104 Detalles
(569) Brigham Young University Arthropod Museum 104 Detalles
(570) Royal BC Museum - Invertebrates Collection 103 Detalles
(571) Conservación y exhibición ex-situ de plantas de Bosque Nublado en el Jardín Botánico de Quito 102 Detalles
(572) ZMH Arachnology collection 102 Detalles
(573) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1612 101 Detalles
(574) Royal Botanical Gardens Herbarium (HAM) 100 Detalles
(575) Colección de Referencia de anfibios y reptiles de la Fundación Herpetológica Gustavo Orcés 100 Detalles
(576) Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History 99 Detalles
(577) Collection Mollusca SMF 99 Detalles
(578) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1989, Cruise 1268 99 Detalles
(579) AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology Collection 99 Detalles
(580) Colección Entomológica del IADIZA - CCT CONICET Mendoza: IADIZA-CEI 98 Detalles
(581) Crustacea collection (Cru) at UiO NHM, Oslo 98 Detalles
(582) Collection Malakologie - SNSD 98 Detalles
(583) Auckland Museum Entomology Collection 97 Detalles
(584) LSUMZ Herps Collection 97 Detalles
(585) Macroinvertebrate abundance in montane tropical streams of varying land-use, Ecuador 97 Detalles
(586) Overview of the Anyphaenids (Araneae, Anyphaeninae, Anyphaenidae) spider fauna from the Chocó forest of Ecuador, with the description of thirteen new species 96 Detalles
(587) Insect collection of Itami City Museum of Insects 95 Detalles
(588) Szczecin Diatomological Collection SZCZ (University of Szczecin) 95 Detalles
(589) The University and Jepson Herbaria -- Lichen 94 Detalles
(590) SDNHM Birds Collection 94 Detalles
(591) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1986, Cruise 0990 94 Detalles
(592) Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Entomology 93 Detalles
(593) University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Algae Collection 93 Detalles
(594) A taxonomic revision of the genus Scybalocanthon Martínez, 1948 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini) 93 Detalles
(595) The Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Goettingen 93 Detalles
(596) Marie-Victorin Herbarium (MT) - Plantes vasculaires 92 Detalles
(597) Systematic revision of the Andean butterfly genus Orophila Staudinger, 1886 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Biblidinae) 92 Detalles
(598) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Herpetology National Collection (MACNHe) 92 Detalles
(599) UB herbarium - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 92 Detalles
(600) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Mammalogy National Collection (MACNMa) 91 Detalles
(601) San Diego Natural History Museum Entomology Department 88 Detalles
(602) Übersicht über die neotropischen Arten der Gattung Stenus LATREILLE mit seitlich gerandetem Abdomen und ungelappten Tarsen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 350. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen 88 Detalles
(603) SMNS Herpetologie 86 Detalles
(604) Review of the New World genus Acrotaphus Townes, 1960 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae), with descriptions of fifteen new species 85 Detalles
(605) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Art 85 Detalles
(606) Herbario Amazónico Colombiano 85 Detalles
(607) Lichen herbarium, UiB 85 Detalles
(608) University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Fishes 84 Detalles
(609) A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) 84 Detalles
(610) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Lepidoptera 84 Detalles
(611) Fiocruz/CCER - Coleção de Ceratopogonidae 84 Detalles
(612) Lista de Especies del Museo de fauna Silvestre del Cantón Montúfar, Provincia del Carchi 83 Detalles
(613) The molluscs collection (IM) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 82 Detalles
(614) New Brunswick Museum - Insects 82 Detalles
(615) Odonata Central 81 Detalles
(616) MLZ Fish Collection (Arctos) 81 Detalles
(617) Miami University Turrell Herbarium - Bryophytes 81 Detalles
(619) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Hemiptera 80 Detalles
(620) Bell Museum fungi 80 Detalles
(621) HRCB - Herbário Rioclarense 80 Detalles
(622) Mammals MZS 79 Detalles
(623) Incidencia de mineria a gran escala en el deterioro del Río Quimi en el Tramo comprendido entre la Reserva Biológica El Quimi y la parroquia Tundayme 79 Detalles
(624) University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Vascular Plants 77 Detalles
(625) Al Descubierto Guayas: APC Comuna Engabao (Plantae) 77 Detalles
(626) SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection 77 Detalles
(627) Collection ornithologique A. Maës 77 Detalles
(628) Herbarium specimens of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU)) 77 Detalles
(629) The Hemiptera collection (EH) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 77 Detalles
(630) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2003, Cruise 1623 77 Detalles
(631) Colección de Entomología - Orthoptera 76 Detalles
(632) UAM Herbarium (ALA), Cryptogam Collection (Arctos) 75 Detalles
(633) MPM Herpetology 75 Detalles
(634) Collection Herpetologie - SNSD 75 Detalles
(635) Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University 75 Detalles
(636) RBINS Mammal collection 74 Detalles
(637) Revision of the genus Callipia Guenée, 1858 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), with the description of 15 new taxa 73 Detalles
(638) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Ben Hell 73 Detalles
(639) URM - Herbário Pe. Camille Torrand 72 Detalles
(640) The Pisces Collection at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München 72 Detalles
(641) Base de datos de la Sala de Colecciones Biológicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte (SCBUCN) Chile 72 Detalles
(642) University of Amsterdam (NL) - Páramo pollen reference collection 71 Detalles
(643) CMNH Birds Collection 71 Detalles
(644) Cornell University Plant Pathology Herbarium 70 Detalles
(645) University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Lichen Collection 70 Detalles
(646) Diversity of the Indo-Pacific (DIPnet) 70 Detalles
(647) Colección del Herbario PSO de la Universidad de Nariño 70 Detalles
(648) MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Invertebrate Zoology Collection 70 Detalles
(649) Invertebrates Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah 69 Detalles
(650) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mammalia 68 Detalles
(651) Insect specimens of Himeji City Science Museum 68 Detalles
(652) Canadian Museum of Nature Bird Collection 68 Detalles
(653) Collection Mammalia SMF 68 Detalles
(654) Aphyllophorales externi 67 Detalles
(655) TOPP Summary of SSM-derived Telemetry 67 Detalles
(656) Type herbarium, Göttingen (GOET) 67 Detalles
(657) Living Collection of the Gothenburg Botanical Garden 67 Detalles
(658) Herbario Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 66 Detalles
(659) University of New Hampshire Collection of Insects and Arthropods (UNHC-UNHC) 66 Detalles
(660) Andean giants: Priscula spiders from Ecuador, with notes on species groups and egg-sac troglomorphism (Araneae: Pholcidae) 66 Detalles
(661) Review of the American genus Bolostromus Ausserer, 1875 with the description of fourteen new species (Araneae, Cyrtaucheniidae) 65 Detalles
(662) A Rosetta Stone for eastern Pacific Caecidae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda) 65 Detalles
(663) Platynotina (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) collections on the World 65 Detalles
(664) A revision of Scipopus Enderlein including the subgenera Scipopus s. str., Phaeopterina Frey and Parascipopus subgen. nov. (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae) 65 Detalles
(665) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2006, Cruise 1631 64 Detalles
(666) Colección de Herbario LP 64 Detalles
(667) The Hummingbird Collection of the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) 63 Detalles
(668) Jardin botanique de Montréal (JBM) 63 Detalles
(669) The Spider Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe 62 Detalles
(670) A revision of the genus Photinopygus Chatzimanolis (Staphylinidae: Xanthopygina) 62 Detalles
(671) RBINS Reptile collection 61 Detalles
(672) UF Florida Museum of Natural History Mammals 61 Detalles
(673) University of Arizona Insect Collection 61 Detalles
(674) SP-Bryophyta - Maria Eneyda P. Kauffman Fidalgo 61 Detalles
(675) Riqueza y Abundancia de Reptiles Ofidios y Saurios en Bosque Protector Pablo López Oglán Alto Pastaza Ecuador 60 Detalles
(676) ZFMK DORSA 60 Detalles
(677) The Pristimantis trachyblepharis species group, a clade of miniaturized frogs: description of four new species and insights into the evolution of body size in the genus 60 Detalles
(678) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Steffen Matezki 60 Detalles
(679) The Arthropoda Varia Collection at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München 60 Detalles
(680) Review of some species groups of the genus Oospila Warren, with descriptions of nine new species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae) 59 Detalles
(681) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1986, Cruise 0989 59 Detalles
(682) Herbarium Hamburgense 59 Detalles
(683) Natural History Museum Aarhus Vertebrate Collection 58 Detalles
(684) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1990, Cruise 1370 58 Detalles
(685) Phylogenetic systematics, ecology, and conservation of marsupial frogs (Anura: Hemiphractidae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador, with descriptions of four new biphasic species 58 Detalles
(686) Cnidaria 57 Detalles
(687) Michigan State University Herbarium Vascular Plants 57 Detalles
(688) George Mason University, Ted R. Bradley Herbarium 57 Detalles
(689) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Pisces 56 Detalles
(690) North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium 56 Detalles
(691) Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM 56 Detalles
(692) Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium - Lichens 56 Detalles
(693) Otoliths Reference Collection. CBMR-AFORO (ICM-CSIC) 56 Detalles
(694) Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium 55 Detalles
(695) Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University) 55 Detalles
(696) Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae) 54 Detalles
(697) Charles Gardner Shaw Mycological Herbarium, Washington State University 53 Detalles
(698) Arboles Patrimoniales del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito 53 Detalles
(699) Megadiverse Ecuador: a review of Mysmenopsis (Araneae, Mysmenidae) of Ecuador, with the description of twenty-one new kleptoparasitic spider species 53 Detalles
(700) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium; Max & Fran Hommersand Algae Herbarium: Algae 53 Detalles
(701) University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Botanical Collections 52 Detalles
(702) MEXU/Tipos de plantas vasculares 52 Detalles
(703) Type specimens of fungi 52 Detalles
(704) ZUEC-AMP - Coleção de Anfíbios do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP 51 Detalles
(705) Patrones de canto y transmisión cultural en ballenas jorobadas en las costas ecuatorianas 51 Detalles
(706) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 2000, Cruise 1616 51 Detalles
(707) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Entomology National Collection (MACNEn) 51 Detalles
(708) West Virginia Wesleyan College, George B. Rossbach Herbarium 50 Detalles
(709) KRA Vascular Plant Collection 50 Detalles
(710) Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Arthropoda 49 Detalles
(711) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1989, Cruise 1267 49 Detalles
(712) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1999, Cruise 1613 49 Detalles
(713) Colección de Entomología del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-E) 49 Detalles
(714) Coleção Entomológica Padre Jesus Santiago Moure (DZUP) - Diptera 49 Detalles
(715) The Purdue Entomological Research Collection 49 Detalles
(716) Micromamíferos no voladores de tres zonas de protección de la Cordillera del Cóndor Amazonía Sur del Ecuador 48 Detalles
(717) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Colección de Malacología: MNCN-Malac 48 Detalles
(718) LSUMZ Mammals Collection 48 Detalles
(719) R-Fungi - Herbário do Museu Nacional 48 Detalles
(720) A review of the Oocyclus Sharp of Ecuador with description of 12 new species (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Laccobiini) 48 Detalles
(721) Registro de la especie Melanosuchus niger en la provincia de Orellana del año 2017 48 Detalles
(722) Global_Nematode 48 Detalles
(723) Oregon State University Bryophyte Collection 48 Detalles
(724) Clemson University Herbarium 47 Detalles
(725) OUPR - Herbário "Professor José Badini" 47 Detalles
(726) Tallinn Botanic Garden 47 Detalles
(727) University of Idaho, Stillinger Herbarium Vascular Plants 47 Detalles
(728) NY herbarium - The New York Botanical Garden - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 47 Detalles
(729) Neotropische Stenus-Arten mit seitlich gerandetem Abdomen und gelappten Tarsen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 344. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen 47 Detalles
(730) Read between the lineata: A revision of the tattooed wasps, Zagrammosoma Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with descriptions of eleven new species 46 Detalles
(731) Senckenberg - CeDAMar Resource 46 Detalles
(732) Taxonomic revision of the South American genus Polynoncus Burmeister, 1876 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae) 46 Detalles
(733) Revision of Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), with description of 135 new species 46 Detalles
(734) Cowan Tetrapod Collection - Birds 46 Detalles
(735) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1988, Cruise 1165 45 Detalles
(736) Lepidoptera specimen database of Japan 45 Detalles
(737) UB - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília 45 Detalles
(738) The genus Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Peru 44 Detalles
(739) Natural History Museum Aarhus Freshwater Collection 44 Detalles
(740) Xeno-canto - Soundscapes from around the world 44 Detalles
(741) Hymenoptera Institute Collection 43 Detalles
(742) Notes on South American stingless bees of the genus Scaptotrigona (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Part IV: Four new species of group B from the Andean region 43 Detalles
(743) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1992, Cruise 1467 42 Detalles
(744) IZIKO South Africa Museum Collection (1800-2013) 42 Detalles
(745) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Florian Werner 42 Detalles
(746) MPM Milwaukee Public Museum Herbarium 42 Detalles
(747) Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae 42 Detalles
(748) Xeno-canto - Anura sounds from around the world 42 Detalles
(749) Herbarium Dresdense 42 Detalles
(750) Colección de mamíferos naturalizados del Museo Universitario de la Biodiversidad 42 Detalles
(751) Type Specimen Database of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS 41 Detalles
(752) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1998, Cruise 1611 41 Detalles
(753) Further discoveries on the minuscule spiders from the Chocó region of Ecuador with the description of seven new species of Anapis (Araneae: Anapidae) 41 Detalles
(754) DZUP-Hymenoptera - Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure (Hymenoptera) 41 Detalles
(755) Coleção Entomológica Padre Jesus Santiago Moure (DZUP) - Hymenoptera 41 Detalles
(756) Allan Herbarium (CHR) 41 Detalles
(757) PACA-AGP - Herbarium Anchieta 41 Detalles
(758) NSW AVH feed 40 Detalles
(759) Arthropoda; Crustacea; Decapoda of deep-sea volcanic habitats of the Galapagos Marine Reserve, Tropical Eastern Pacific 40 Detalles
(760) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Malac 40 Detalles
(761) Species of Ancistrus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from Ecuador, with the description of a new species from the Amazon River Basin 40 Detalles
(762) Florida State Collection of Arthropods 40 Detalles
(763) Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium 40 Detalles
(764) Übersicht über die neotropischen Arten der Gattung Stenus LATREILLE mit seitlich ungerandetem Abdomen und gelappten Tarsen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 351. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen 40 Detalles
(765) Price Institute of Parasite Research, School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah 40 Detalles
(766) Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute 40 Detalles
(768) Taxonomy of Ecuadorian water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae) 39 Detalles
(769) Australian Antarctic Division Herbarium 39 Detalles
(770) Vertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum 39 Detalles
(771) Colección de Tejidos del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-CT) 39 Detalles
(772) Coleção Entomológica Padre Jesus Santiago Moure (DZUP) - Lepidoptera 39 Detalles
(773) The Ichthyology Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart 39 Detalles
(774) CEN - Herbário da Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia 39 Detalles
(767) Revision of the Bee Genus Chlerogella (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Part II: South American Species and Generic Diagnosis 39 Detalles
(775) Zoology (Museum of Evolution - Uppsala) 38 Detalles
(776) Colección de Entomología - Curculionidae 38 Detalles
(777) Birds Specimens 38 Detalles
(778) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Helmut Dalitz 38 Detalles
(779) CNIN/Triatominos (Hemiptera-Heteroptera-Reduviidae) 38 Detalles
(780) R. L. McGregor Herbarium Vascular Plants Collection 38 Detalles
(781) A revision of the genus Mesoconius Enderlein (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae) 38 Detalles
(782) Insect Occurrence Data from MIZA 38 Detalles
(783) Diptera Collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS 38 Detalles
(784) On the putatively incorrect identification and “ redescription ” of Paratropis elicioi Dupérré 2015 (Paratropididae, Araneae) with the description of two new sympatric species from Ecuador 37 Detalles
(785) UCM Amphibian and Reptile Collection (Arctos) 37 Detalles
(786) COMARGIS: Information System on Continental Margin Ecosystems 37 Detalles
(787) UTEP Fossils (Arctos) 37 Detalles
(788) R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology 37 Detalles
(789) UConn Mammals 36 Detalles
(790) Stuart M. Fullerton Collection of Arthropods (UCFC), University of Central Florida 36 Detalles
(791) SJRP herbarium - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 36 Detalles
(792) Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM 36 Detalles
(793) Fish Collection of Hokkaido University 36 Detalles
(794) Composition of planktonic foraminifera species from 310 sediments samples during the last glacial maximum 36 Detalles
(795) SMNG_Arachnologische Sammlungen_Mesostigmata 36 Detalles
(796) University of Amsterdam (NL) - Páramo vegetation research, Western Andean Cordillera 35 Detalles
(797) A review of the Neotropical skipper genus Sodalia Evans, 1955 (Lepidoptera Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae) with the description of a new species 35 Detalles
(798) Colección de Herpetología del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN-MHN-Her) 35 Detalles
(799) OBI - Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University 35 Detalles
(800) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1990, Cruise 1369 34 Detalles
(801) A revision of the genera and species of the Neotropical family Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) 34 Detalles
(802) Bell Museum bryophytes 34 Detalles
(803) RBINS Amphibian collection 34 Detalles
(804) Studies in the New World tribe Anisoscelini Laporte, 1832 (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae): updated distributions, nomenclatural changes, and keys to the genera of the tribe and the species of Anisoscelis Latreille, 1829 and Bitta Osuna, 1984 34 Detalles
(805) Global Gracillariidae 34 Detalles
(806) World distribution of the aquatic Oligochaeta 34 Detalles
(807) Collection Paleontology - GPIT 34 Detalles
(808) SJRP-Pteridophyta - Herbário de Pteridophyta de São José do Rio Preto 34 Detalles
(809) Academy of Natural Sciences Entomology Collection – OrthopNet 33 Detalles
(810) The species of Hemiancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Ecuador 33 Detalles
(811) HUCS - Herbário da Universidade de Caxias do Sul 33 Detalles
(812) Arizona State University Ornithology Collection 33 Detalles
(813) Taxonomic review of the “ Probetoriformes ” species group of Symmachia Hübner [1819] (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae), with the description of two new species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest 33 Detalles
(814) Fiocruz/CMN - Coleção de Mosquitos Neotropicais 33 Detalles
(815) Algaterra Types 33 Detalles
(816) University of Florida Invertebrate Paleontology 33 Detalles
(817) A new species of Elachiptera Macquart from the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, and the taxonomic status of Ceratobarys Coquillett (Diptera: Chloropidae) 33 Detalles
(818) The Pyraustinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae s. l.) of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador 33 Detalles
(819) The echinoderm collection (IE) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 33 Detalles
(820) A redefinition of Paragrallomyia Hendel (Diptera: Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae) and a revision of the P. albibasis complex 33 Detalles
(821) Synopsis of the species of Cheilolejeunea (Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae) in the Pacific dominion and Páramo province of tropical America 33 Detalles
(822) Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Diptera Collection 32 Detalles
(823) Natural History Museum Aarhus Malacology Collection 32 Detalles
(824) Diptera Collection - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) 32 Detalles
(825) Macroinvertebrate groups on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Mollusca 32 Detalles
(826) Lund University Biological Museum - Zoological collections (MZLU) 32 Detalles
(827) UAM Bird Collection (Arctos) 32 Detalles
(828) Entomological collections, UiB 32 Detalles
(829) Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Birds (Aves) 32 Detalles
(830) Ghent university - Zoology Museum - Nematod Collection 32 Detalles
(831) RBINS Lepidoptera collection 32 Detalles
(832) The Hymenoptera collection (EY) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 31 Detalles
(833) Colección general del plantas vasculares del Herbario JBB 31 Detalles
(834) Additions to Neotropical species of the genera Lithocharodes Sharp, 1881 and Somoleptus Sharp, 1881 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 31 Detalles
(835) Collection Ornithologie - SNSD 31 Detalles
(836) A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens 31 Detalles
(837) R-Tipos - Herbário do Museu Nacional - Tipos 31 Detalles
(838) Oregon State Ichthyology Collection 31 Detalles
(839) ECatSym: Electronic World Catalog of Symphyta 31 Detalles
(840) Checklist of Cerambycidae, Disteniidae and Vesperidae (Coleoptera) primary types of the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 31 Detalles
(841) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Vermes 31 Detalles
(842) The Lichens Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München 30 Detalles
(843) Polycystine Radiolarians from the water column and the surface sediments of the World Ocean 30 Detalles
(844) Visual Plants ( - Private collection of Rainer Bussmann 30 Detalles
(845) An annotated taxonomic checklist of the Neotropical Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) with links to the information on host plants and parasitoids 30 Detalles
(846) Colección de Anfibios del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-Am) 30 Detalles
(847) University of Alberta Museum of Zoology Ornithology Collection (UAMZ) 29 Detalles
(848) Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae 29 Detalles
(849) Mississippi Entomological Museum 29 Detalles
(850) Aves (Luomus) 29 Detalles
(851) Uraniidae et Sematuridae 28 Detalles
(852) University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Zooloogical Collections 28 Detalles
(853) Fiocruz/CMIOC - Coleção de Moluscos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 28 Detalles
(854) University of Tennessee Herbarium 28 Detalles
(855) INSDC Environment Sample Sequences 28 Detalles
(856) Herbarium of Umeå University (UME) 28 Detalles
(857) Hymenoptera Collection - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) 28 Detalles
(858) Birds (coll. Bonnetain) 28 Detalles
(859) Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium 28 Detalles
(860) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1992, Cruise 1468 28 Detalles
(861) University of California, Davis Center for Plant Diversity - Bryophytes 27 Detalles
(862) Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium at Florida State University 27 Detalles
(863) Description of a new minute frog of the genus Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Cordillera del Condor, Ecuador 27 Detalles
(864) The Myriapoda & Onychophora collection (MY) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 27 Detalles
(865) Auburn University Museum of Natural History Herpetology Voucher Collections 27 Detalles
(866) Galapagos Green Turtle Satellite Tracking (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 27 Detalles
(867) CNAV/Coleccion Nacional de Aves 27 Detalles
(868) Colección de artrópodos del Museo de Historia Natural de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 27 Detalles
(869) ESA - Herbário da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz 27 Detalles
(870) Complex diversity in a mainly tropical group of ant parasitoids: Revision of the Orasema stramineipes species group (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eucharitidae) 27 Detalles
(871) Speothos Venaticus por Guillermo Gil 27 Detalles
(872) Catalogue and red list of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae) from South America 26 Detalles
(873) Herbarium UGDA - Lichens Collection UGDA-L 26 Detalles
(874) UTEP Plants (Arctos) 26 Detalles
(875) Taxonomic revision of Rhynchosia Lour. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae) in South America 26 Detalles
(876) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Cryptogamic National Collection (BAc) 26 Detalles
(877) Mollusca Collection - Museu Nacional/UFRJ 26 Detalles
(878) Taxonomic revision of the genus Punjuba (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) 26 Detalles
(879) MfN - Fossil vertebrates III 26 Detalles
(880) Desmidiaceae Engels 26 Detalles
(881) Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum 26 Detalles
(882) Integrative taxonomy reveals hidden diversity in the Catharus fuscater (Passeriformes: Turdidae) complex in Central and South America 26 Detalles
(883) Colección de Entomología - Coleoptera 26 Detalles
(884) Botanical Database of Southern Africa (BODATSA): Botanical Collections 26 Detalles
(885) The Araneae collection (AR) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 25 Detalles
(886) Collection Ichthyologie - SNSD 25 Detalles
(887) Bird collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 25 Detalles
(888) Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, PGR passport data 25 Detalles
(889) Herpetological collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 25 Detalles
(890) Insecta collection of Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka 25 Detalles
(891) Bivalvia collection (TSZB) The Arctic University Museum of Norway 25 Detalles
(892) Colección del Herbario de la Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó 24 Detalles
(893) Vascular Plant Herbarium, UiB 24 Detalles
(894) Revision of the Neotropical genus Macreupelmus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae) 24 Detalles
(895) Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXIV: Andeocalynda n. gen., a new genus of Andean stick insects, with the descriptions of nine new species from Colombia and Ecuador (Phasmatodea: “ Anareolatae ”: Diapheromeridae: Diapheromerinae) 24 Detalles
(896) Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea) 24 Detalles
(897) Louisiana State University, Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium 23 Detalles
(898) IAC - Herbário do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas 23 Detalles
(899) Revision Of Brachystethus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae) 23 Detalles
(900) First record of a native Atomaria S, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae) from the Neotropical Region 23 Detalles
(901) Molecular phylogeny of the riffle beetle genus Hexanchorus revealed a presence of a new genus (Coleoptera: Elmidae) 23 Detalles
(902) BRI AVH Data and Images 23 Detalles
(903) Illinois Natural History Survey - Mollusk Collection 23 Detalles
(904) (Table S1) Relative abundances of coccolithophore taxa in surface sediment samples from the Equatorial and Southeastern Pacific 23 Detalles
(905) Myriapoda - SMF 23 Detalles
(906) Database of Native Plants in Taiwan 23 Detalles
(907) J. B. Wallis / R. E. Roughley Museum of Entomology 23 Detalles
(908) New species of plume moths (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) from Ecuador 23 Detalles
(909) The Megachilidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apiformes) of the Democratic Republic of Congo curated at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA, Belgium) 23 Detalles
(910) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Fungi 23 Detalles
(911) A look beyond the colour: taxonomic revision of Coilodes Westwood, 1846 (Coleoptera, Hybosoridae), with the description of six new species 23 Detalles
(912) Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Bryophytes 22 Detalles
(913) New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae) 22 Detalles
(914) Diversity and abundance of non-flying micromammals of the rainy season in the Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco, Ecuador 22 Detalles
(915) MCTP-Insetos - Coleção de Insetos 22 Detalles
(916) Colección de Peces de Agua Dulce del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-P) 22 Detalles
(917) A review of the South American metalmark genus Alesa Doubleday, 1847 (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae: Eurybiini) with the description of two new species 22 Detalles
(918) A new species of Leucostethus (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from the Cordillera Mache-Chindul in northwestern Ecuador, with comments on similar Colostethus and Hyloxalus 22 Detalles
(919) Berea College, Ralph L. Thompson Herbarium 22 Detalles
(920) Revision of Aciuroides Hendel and Neoacanthoneura Hendel (Diptera: Ulidiidae: Pterocallini) 22 Detalles
(921) Diagnostic Collection José Miguel Cei (DC-JMC) – Unidad de Herpetología – UNSL Colección biológica referida a la herpetofauna de Sudamérica. 22 Detalles
(922) CHAS Botany Collection (Arctos) 21 Detalles
(923) Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium 21 Detalles
(924) mel 21 Detalles
(925) Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of ghost spiders of the genus Tafana Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Dionycha, Anyphaenidae), with the descriptions of twelve new species 21 Detalles
(926) Contributions to the knowledge of Neotropical Lycaenidae: taxonomy of Johnsonita Salazar & Constantino, 1995 with descriptions of seven new species (Theclinae Eumaeini) 21 Detalles
(927) A revision of Onychelmis Hinton, 1941 (Coleoptera: Elmidae), with description of new species, DNA barcoding and notes on the geography of the genus 21 Detalles
(928) CNIN/Coleoptera 21 Detalles
(929) Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium 21 Detalles
(930) Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology (2000-2019) 21 Detalles
(931) ZUEC-REP - Coleção de Répteis do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP 21 Detalles
(932) Diversity and differentiation of the Chelonus (Microchelonus) species of the Galapagos archipelago (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Cheloninae) 21 Detalles
(933) WELT Herbarium at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa 21 Detalles
(934) Herpetology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum 21 Detalles
(935) The crustaceans collection (IU) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 21 Detalles
(936) ECT herbarium - Embrapa Clima Temperado - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 21 Detalles
(937) Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History 21 Detalles
(938) Macrohongos registrados en los Parques Itchimbía y Armenia de la ciudad de Quito 20 Detalles
(939) The genus Siderus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in French Guiana: four newly discovered species and conspicuous male genitalia polymorphism 20 Detalles
(940) Colección de Mamíferos del Museo de Historia Natural C.J. Marinkelle 20 Detalles
(941) Archbold Biological Station Arthropod Collection 20 Detalles
(942) Bryophyte herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum 20 Detalles
(943) The species of the Hypostomus cochliodon group (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). 20 Detalles
(944) Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) - Fungi 20 Detalles
(945) Herbario ABH (Universidad de Alicante) 20 Detalles
(946) Auckland Museum Botany Collection 20 Detalles
(947) Colección de Entomología - Heteroptera 20 Detalles
(948) Wilson Botanical Garden - Las Cruces Biological Station 20 Detalles
(949) New Species And Records Of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Ecuador And Paraguay 20 Detalles
(950) A new species of Coleophora (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae: Coleophorinae) from the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador 20 Detalles
(951) Mollusca specimens of Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum 19 Detalles
(952) New syarinid pseudoscorpions from Ecuador (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae: Ideobisium and Ideoblothrus) 19 Detalles
(953) Dataset for Review of Mimosticus Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) 19 Detalles
(954) Revision of Neosuarius, a subgenus of Chrysopodes (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) 19 Detalles
(955) MCP-Peixes - Coleção de Peixes 19 Detalles
(956) NHMO Mammal collection 19 Detalles
(957) Global Butterfly Information System (GloBIS) 19 Detalles
(958) Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology (ROME) 19 Detalles
(959) The Spider Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart 19 Detalles
(960) SMNK Mantid Collection 19 Detalles
(961) Auburn University Museum of Natural History Mollusks 19 Detalles
(962) UWFC Ichthyology Collection 19 Detalles
(963) CNHE/Coleccion Nacional de Helmintos 19 Detalles
(964) Visual Plants ( - Private collection of Asta Napp-Zinn 19 Detalles
(965) Delaware State University, Claude E. Phillips Herbarium 18 Detalles
(966) Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity 18 Detalles
(967) Synopsis of the Cicadidae of Ecuador 18 Detalles
(968) Herbario TULV - Jardín Botánico "Juan María Céspedes" 18 Detalles
(969) ZFMK Araneae collection 18 Detalles
(970) Rye, Barley, Oats Genetic Resources. N.I.Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry, St. Petersburg 18 Detalles
(971) Collection Crustacea - ZMB 18 Detalles
(972) Lepidoptera - SNSD 18 Detalles
(973) Collection Aves (bird skeletons) SMF 18 Detalles
(974) A revision of the concept of Mago O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882, and proposal of a new genus (Araneae: Salticidae: Amycini) 18 Detalles
(975) Osteology collections of World Museum, National Museums Liverpool 18 Detalles
(976) Balligratus, new genus of wingless ground beetles from equatorial Andean montane forest (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lachnophorini) 18 Detalles
(977) Highland biodiversity of Fanniidae (Insecta, Diptera): fourteen new species from the Andes and Central America 18 Detalles
(978) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Hymenoptera 17 Detalles
(979) A revision of the genus Rudolfina Rohá?ek (Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) 17 Detalles
(980) Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium 17 Detalles
(981) EULOPHIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 5: The genus Galeopsomyia Girault 17 Detalles
(982) University of Tennessee Lichen Herbarium 17 Detalles
(983) Herbario de la Universidad de Sevilla, SEV-Historico 17 Detalles
(984) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Hemiptera 17 Detalles
(985) UCM Invertebrate Paleontology 17 Detalles
(986) Colección de Helechos y grupos emparentados del Herbario LIL (FML-Tucumán) 17 Detalles
(987) Hemiptera World (Luomus) 17 Detalles
(988) ZMUT Arachnida collections of Turku University 17 Detalles
(989) Waved Albatross Tracking (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 17 Detalles
(990) Herbarium UGDA - Orchidaceae Collection 17 Detalles
(991) Mollusca collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 16 Detalles
(992) Canadian Museum of Nature Mollusc Collection 16 Detalles
(993) BOTUw - Xiloteca "Profa. Dra. Maria Aparecida Mourão Brasil" 16 Detalles
(994) Description and nesting biology of three new species of neotropical silk wasp (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Pemphredoninae: Microstigmus) 16 Detalles
(995) The Scorpiones collection (RS) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 16 Detalles
(996) Macroinvertebrate groups found on deep-sea volcanic habitats in the Galapagos Marine Reserve in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean: Annelida 16 Detalles
(997) Three new genera of Protandrenini bees from South America (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Andreninae) 16 Detalles
(998) C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity 16 Detalles
(999) Algae (S) 16 Detalles
(1000) Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms 16 Detalles
(1001) NCSM Ornithology Collection 16 Detalles
(1002) Description of four new species of the Neotropical genus Scione Walker, 1850 (Diptera: Tabanidae) 16 Detalles
(1003) (Table 1) Planktonic foraminifera counts and stable oxygen isotope ratios of Pacific Ocean surface sediments 16 Detalles
(1004) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Vascular Plants National Collection (BAv) 16 Detalles
(1005) (Table 3) Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios of selected Cocos Plate samples 16 Detalles
(1006) Baylor University Herbarium 16 Detalles
(1007) Forty-one new species of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), an identification key, and new distributional records for the species of the genus 16 Detalles
(1008) Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium - Bryophytes 16 Detalles
(1024) Auckland Museum NZ Marine Collection 15 Detalles
(1025) Happywhale - Blue whale in South Pacific Ocean 15 Detalles
(1026) NSW DPI Biosecurity Collections 15 Detalles
(1027) Five new species of the genus Paromphacodes (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae) from High Andes in Ecuador 15 Detalles
(1028) A revision of the genus Armillipora Quate (Diptera: Psychodidae) with the descriptions of two new species 15 Detalles
(1029) Colección de Herpetos Naturalizados del Museo Universitario de la Biodiversidad 15 Detalles
(1009) Generic redescription, seven new species and a key to the Taphura Stål, 1862 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadetttinae: Taphurini) 15 Detalles
(1010) New genus and species of cockroaches from the tribe Brachycolini (Blattaria Blaberidae: Blaberinae) and redescription of the Hormetica strumosa 15 Detalles
(1011) Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Lichens 15 Detalles
(1012) Colección de peces de agua dulce del INCIVA 15 Detalles
(1013) VIC - Herbário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa 15 Detalles
(1014) NHMD Mammalogy Collection 15 Detalles
(1015) The Fungal Collection at the Botanische Staatssammlung München 15 Detalles
(1016) New Mexico State Collection of Arthropods 15 Detalles
(1017) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, MOPS 1987, Cruise 1080 15 Detalles
(1018) Datos de ocurrencia de triatominos presentes en Argentina del Laboratorio de Triatominos del CEPAVE (CONICET-UNLP) 15 Detalles
(1019) CEN herbarium - Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 15 Detalles
(1020) The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records 15 Detalles
(1021) Crustacea Collection - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) 15 Detalles
(1022) A new species and distribution records of Dichotomius Hope, 1838 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Colombia 15 Detalles
(1023) New Species Of The Genus Oronoqua Fennah (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) From Inland Ecuador 15 Detalles
(1030) ESA herbarium - Universidade de São Paulo - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 14 Detalles
(1031) Revision of the Neotropical stick insect genus Ocnophila (Phasmatodea: Diapheromeridae) with a new species from Colombia 14 Detalles
(1032) A taxonomic review of the mygalomorph spider genus Linothele Karsch, 1879 (Araneae, Dipluridae) 14 Detalles
(1033) The skinks (Squamata: Scincidae) of Ecuador, with description of a new Amazonian species 14 Detalles
(1034) Eight new species of Ptenidiini and Discheramocephalini (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) from Ecuador 14 Detalles
(1035) SharkBase 14 Detalles
(1036) A Catalogue and Historical Study of the Odonata of Ecuador 14 Detalles
(1037) Contributions on the treehopper genus Ennya Stål, 1866 (Hemiptera: Membracidae) with two new species from Ecuador 14 Detalles
(1038) Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego UNAL-MED 14 Detalles
(1039) USMB Herbarium 14 Detalles
(1040) A key to the species of Nanoplebeia, with descriptions of four new species (Hymenoptera: Apidae) 14 Detalles
(1041) Swiss Psyllid (Hemiptera) Collections - Geneva 14 Detalles
(1042) Canadian Museum of Nature Crustacea Collection 14 Detalles
(1043) ZFMK Ichthyology collection 14 Detalles
(1044) Gila Center for Natural History (WNMU) Herbarium - Bryophytes 14 Detalles
(1045) Begonia (sect. Ruizopavonia) De Candolle 1859 14 Detalles
(1046) Gamasiphis species (Acari: Mesostigmata: Ologamasidae) from Ecuador, with description of a new species and new records 14 Detalles
(1047) University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection 14 Detalles
(1048) Taxonomic revision of the Pachycondyla apicalis species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 14 Detalles
(1049) Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) 14 Detalles
(1050) New species and records of thiodinines from North and South America (Araneae Salticidae: Salticinae: Thiodinini) 14 Detalles
(1051) A revision of the new Andean butterfly genus Optimandes Marín, Nakahara & Willmott, n. gen., with the description of a new species (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Euptychiina) 14 Detalles
(1052) Abilene Christian University Insect Specimens (Arctos) 13 Detalles
(1053) IBGE herbarium - Herbário IBGE - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 13 Detalles
(1054) Colección de Entomología - Diptera - Ceratopogonidae 13 Detalles
(1055) Non-vertebrate Paleontology, Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin 13 Detalles
(1056) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Heteragrion Selys, 1862 (Zygoptera: Heteragrionidae): male morphology, new species and illustrated key 13 Detalles
(1057) Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN) 13 Detalles
(1058) University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Invertebrate Collection 13 Detalles
(1059) The Neotropical species of the genera Pseudespeson L, 1994 and Espeson S, 1882 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae) 13 Detalles
(1060) Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (Herbarium KR) 13 Detalles
(1061) Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ornithology Collection - Feathers_and_Skin 13 Detalles
(1062) A new distinctive species of Barydesmus (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Platyrhacidae) from Ecuador, with an annotated bibliographical checklist of the American Platyrhacidae 13 Detalles
(1063) Swiss Psyllid (Hemiptera) Collections - Basel 13 Detalles
(1064) CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Líquenes (MA-Lichen) 13 Detalles
(1065) Natural History Collections of the Faculty of Biology AMU 13 Detalles
(1066) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Scutops Coquillett, 1904 (Diptera: Periscelididae) 13 Detalles
(1067) Christopher Walker collection of Glomeromycotan fungi 13 Detalles
(1068) New and unusual host records for North American and South American spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) 13 Detalles
(1069) Checklist and taxonomic changes for Central and South American Philonthina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) 13 Detalles
(1070) Lichen Herbarium (H): Lichenes externi 13 Detalles
(1071) Lichen herbarium (H): Type specimens of lichen-forming fungi 13 Detalles
(1072) BCCM/LMG Bacteria collection 13 Detalles
(1073) FLOR - Herbário do Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 12 Detalles
(1074) A review of the genus Beltia Jacoby (Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae: Eumolpini), with descriptions of fourteen new species from Costa Rica, Panama, and northwestern South America 12 Detalles
(1075) UFRN herbarium - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 12 Detalles
(1076) FBIP:IZIKO-UCT:Historical Survey (1930-1980) 12 Detalles
(1077) SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, STAR 1999, Cruise 1614 12 Detalles
(1078) New Zealand Arthropod Collection - Symbiota 12 Detalles
(1079) San Diego Natural History Museum - Algae 12 Detalles
(1080) UFRN herbarium - Herbário da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 12 Detalles
(1081) Five new species of the Drosophila tripunctata group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador 12 Detalles
(1082) USMB Insecta 12 Detalles
(1083) Peru Leatherback Tracking Project (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 12 Detalles
(1084) Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM 12 Detalles
(1085) Collection Vermes - ZMB 12 Detalles
(1086) CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Cormophyta 12 Detalles
(1087) MCP-Moluscos - Coleção de Moluscos 12 Detalles
(1088) University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection 12 Detalles
(1089) Taxonomic revision of the Phanaeus endymion species group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with the descriptions of five new species 12 Detalles
(1090) University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Insect Collection 12 Detalles
(1091) A new species of Anoura Gray, 1838 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from Peru, with taxonomic and biogeographic comments on species of the Anoura caudifer complex 12 Detalles
(1092) The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Lichens 12 Detalles
(1093) pins 12 Detalles
(1094) A synopsis of Meriania (Melastomataceae: Merianieae) in Peru 12 Detalles
(1095) A high species diversity of Lyomyces (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) in Central and South America, revealed after morphological and molecular analysis 11 Detalles
(1096) Crustacea collection (TSZCr) The Arctic University Museum of Norway 11 Detalles
(1097) A new species of the catfish genus Cordylancistrus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia 11 Detalles
(1098) Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences Clinton Herbarium 11 Detalles
(1099) Oxysarcodexia Townsend, 1917 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) - a centennial conspectus 11 Detalles
(1100) Mosquito Alert Dataset 11 Detalles
(1101) ICN - Herbário do Instituto de Ciências Naturais 11 Detalles
(1102) Systematics of big-eyed bats, genus Chiroderma Peters, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) 11 Detalles
(1103) Ornithologie ZMK 11 Detalles
(1104) Leptobasis linda sp. nov. from Ecuador (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) 11 Detalles
(1105) Happywhale - Killer whale in South Pacific Ocean 11 Detalles
(1106) An annotated catalogue of the Coleoptera types deposited in the National Insect Collection (CNIN) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico 11 Detalles
(1107) Amphibia and Reptilia (Luomus) 11 Detalles
(1108) Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha) 11 Detalles
(1109) Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi - Hymenoptera Collection 11 Detalles
(1110) Coleccion de Herpetologia, MZFC-UNAM 11 Detalles
(1111) ALA species sightings and OzAtlas 11 Detalles
(1112) Visual Plants ( - Herbarium specimens from "LOJA" Ecuador 11 Detalles
(1113) A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea) 11 Detalles
(1114) Moscow University Herbarium (MW) 11 Detalles
(1115) Unusual looking pentatomids: reassessing the taxonomy of Braunus Distant and Lojus McDonald (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) 11 Detalles
(1116) A revision and key for the tribe Diaphorolepidini (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) and checklist for the genus Synophis 11 Detalles
(1117) Biological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952 11 Detalles
(1118) Joseph F. Rock Herbarium (Univ. of Hawai?i at M?noa) 11 Detalles
(1119) ZMH Annelida collection 11 Detalles
(1120) Auckland Museum Land Vertebrates Collection 11 Detalles
(1121) Coleção de Foramíniferos do Museu de Ciências Naturais da UFPR 11 Detalles
(1122) Review of Cyphotes Burmeister, 1835 (Hemiptera: Membracidae) with the description of a related new genus 11 Detalles
(1123) University of California, Davis, Center for Plant Diversity - Lichens 11 Detalles
(1124) Two new emerald geometrid species of Telotheta Warren from Ecuador and Bolivia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae, Lophochoristini) 11 Detalles
(1125) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Telemiades Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Eudaminae), with descriptions of fourteen new species 11 Detalles
(1126) ffie South American Goblin Spiders of the New Genera Pseudodysderina and Tinadysderina (Araneae, Oonopidae) 11 Detalles
(1127) Revision of world Ooderella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), with description of the first males for the genus 11 Detalles
(1128) Review of the genus Valdasus Stål, 1860 (Heteroptera, Miridae, Cylapinae), with descriptions of four new species from Brazil, Ecuador and French Guiana 11 Detalles
(1129) Cascadia Research Blue Whale Photo IDs for US West Coast, 1972-2004 11 Detalles
(1130) ISEA PAS Lepidoptera Collection 10 Detalles
(1131) Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Marine Invertebrates 10 Detalles
(1132) FIOCRUZ | The Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the world: a list of valid species names 10 Detalles
(1133) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants 10 Detalles
(1134) ISM Ornithology Collection 10 Detalles
(1135) Insectarium de Montréal (IMQC) 10 Detalles
(1136) Taxonomic revision of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae-Lobelioideae) in Colombia 10 Detalles
(1137) Four new species of Capsicum (Solanaceae) from the tropical Andes and an update on the phylogeny of the genus 10 Detalles
(1138) Catalogue of the family Ologamasidae Ryke (Acari: Mesostigmata) 10 Detalles
(1139) Herbario Ruiz Leal (MERL) – Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas (IADIZA-CCT CONICET Mendoza) 10 Detalles
(1140) NCSM Mollusk Collection 10 Detalles
(1141) Ocurrencia del canto de ballenas jorobadas en la REMAPE 10 Detalles
(1142) Canadian Museum of Nature Amphibian and Reptile Collection 10 Detalles
(1143) SPFR - Herbário do Departamento de Biologia da FFCLRP-USP 10 Detalles
(1144) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid: MNCN_ICTIO 10 Detalles
(1145) Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Plantae 10 Detalles
(1146) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Coleoptera 10 Detalles
(1147) KUBI Invertebrate Zoology Collection 10 Detalles
(1148) Two new species of the treehopper genus Enchenopa Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Hemiptera, Membracidae) from northwest Ecuador 10 Detalles
(1149) Revision of the poorly known Neotropical butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), with descriptions of nine new species 10 Detalles
(1150) RBINS Echinodermata collection 10 Detalles
(1151) Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Hexapoda Collection 10 Detalles
(1152) Redescription of Gymnotus coropinae (Gymnotiformes, Gymnotidae), an often misidentified species of Neotropical electric fish, with notes on natural history and electric signals. 10 Detalles
(1153) RBINS Fish collection 10 Detalles
(1154) CEPEC - Herbário do Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau 10 Detalles
(1155) An integrative taxonomic study of the genus Lethocolea (Marchantiophyta: Acrobolbaceae) 10 Detalles
(1156) ZUEC-PIS - Coleção de Peixes do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP 10 Detalles
(1157) A large new species of Passiflora, supersect. Laurifolia, ser. Quadrangulares (Passifloraceae) from the sub-Amazonian forests of Ecuador, with notes on its taxonomic alliance and distribution 10 Detalles
(1158) Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae) 10 Detalles
(1159) Seven new species of the enigmatic spider genus Paratropis Simon, 1889 (Mygalomorphae, Paratropididae) from Ecuador 10 Detalles
(1160) The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bolivia including the descriptions of fifteen new species, the resurrection of one genus and two species, seven new combinations, six new synonymies, and twenty-eight new records 10 Detalles
(1161) Palaeobiology - Vertebrate Comparative Osteology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum 10 Detalles
(1162) On some minuscule spiders (Araneae: Theridiosomatidae, Symphytognathidae) from the Chocó region of Ecuador with the description of ten new species 10 Detalles
(1163) Revision of Lutnes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) 10 Detalles
(1164) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Echinodermata 10 Detalles
(1165) UiO NHM Herpetile collection 9 Detalles
(1166) Revision of the genus Eugenys Quate, 1996 (Diptera: Psychodidae), with the description of three new species 9 Detalles
(1167) Colección de Oología del Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidaddel Ecuador (INABIO) 9 Detalles
(1168) ProDelphinus Peru Leatherback Tracking Project (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 9 Detalles
(1169) Taxonomic revision of Aegognathus Leuthner, 1883 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) 9 Detalles
(1170) Iniciativa Carey del Pacifico Oriental - ICAPO - Eastern Pacific Hawksbill Initiative (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 9 Detalles
(1171) Global caridean shrimp fauna 9 Detalles
(1172) NYSM Birds 9 Detalles
(1173) University of Texas, Biodiversity Center, Ichthyology Collection (TNHCi) 9 Detalles
(1174) A new giant anole (Squamata: Iguanidae: Dactyloinae) from southwestern Ecuador 9 Detalles
(1175) Mammals Specimens 9 Detalles
(1176) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Daniel Piechowski 9 Detalles
(1177) DSMZ Prokarya Collection Catalogue 9 Detalles
(1178) SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum - Lichens 9 Detalles
(1179) Zoología Invertebrados - Malacología 9 Detalles
(1180) Colorado State University, Charles Maurer Herbarium 9 Detalles
(1181) Herbario Universidad del Quindío 9 Detalles
(1182) MVZ Egg and Nest Collection (Arctos) 9 Detalles
(1183) Taxonomic revision of the Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae s. l.) of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador 9 Detalles
(1184) Miami University - Algae 9 Detalles
(1185) Systematics and biogeography of the genus Scaria Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Batrachideinae) 9 Detalles
(1186) Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Subfamily Peloniinae O (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Part IX. Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Muisca S 9 Detalles
(1187) Species of the bee genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by Heinrich Friese (Hymenoptera: Apidae) 9 Detalles
(1188) Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colecciones Biológicas - Orquídeas 9 Detalles
(1189) Description of a new species of Euptychia Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the western Andes 9 Detalles
(1190) NCSM Mammalogy Collection 9 Detalles
(1191) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Myriapoda National Collection (MACNMy) 9 Detalles
(1192) IBBA Duckweed Dataset (DUCKWEED-01) 9 Detalles
(1193) New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNH&S) Invertebrate specimens (Arctos) 9 Detalles
(1194) Taxonomic notes on the genus Charterginus Fox, 1898 (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini) with images of the type specimens and new occurrence records 8 Detalles
(1195) Colección Zoológica de la Universidad del Tolima (CZUT)- Ictiología 8 Detalles
(1196) Grethe Hasle Diatom Collection 8 Detalles
(1197) Checklist of the micro- and anophthalmic soil-dwelling weevils of the world (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) 8 Detalles
(1198) CHAS Ornithology (Arctos) 8 Detalles
(1199) Five new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) in subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae from Southeastern Ecuador 8 Detalles
(1200) A review of the genus Insigniocastnia J. Y. Miller, 2007 (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) with notes on Castnia amalthaea H. Druce, 1890 8 Detalles
(1201) Herbario Universidad de Caldas - FAUC 8 Detalles
(1202) Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae) 8 Detalles
(1203) Mississippi State University 8 Detalles
(1204) Coleção Entomológica do Setor Palotina, Universidade Federal do Paraná 8 Detalles
(1205) Museo de Ictiología Carlos Arturo Ardila Rodríguez (CAR) 8 Detalles
(1206) UWIZM Scarabaeidae Beetles 8 Detalles
(1207) Revision of Hesione Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (Annelida, Errantia, Hesionidae) 8 Detalles
(1208) Revision of Noctiliostrebla (Diptera: Streblidae), parasites of bulldog bats (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae: Noctilio) 8 Detalles
(1209) Gaia Guide 8 Detalles
(1210) Castniidae 8 Detalles
(1211) Arizona State University Herpetology Collection 8 Detalles
(1212) Contributions to the Lepanthes (Orchidaceae) knowledge in Ecuador: A new species from Cordillera del Toisán and new records for the country 8 Detalles
(1213) Two new Dikraneurini genera from Ecuador (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) 8 Detalles
(1214) The Collection of Lichenicolous Fungi at the Botanische Staatssammlung München 8 Detalles
(1215) Bitentaculate Cirratulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) collected chiefly during cruises of the R / V Anton Bruun, USNS Eltanin, USCG Glacier, R / V Hero, RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, and R / V Polarstern from the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and off Western South America 8 Detalles
(1216) Cornell University Plant Pathology Herbarium 8 Detalles
(1217) Shallow water hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the 2002 NOWRAMP cruise to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands 8 Detalles
(1218) MEXU/Leguminosae 8 Detalles
(1219) University of Georgia, Julian H. Miller Mycological Herbarium 8 Detalles
(1220) South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XXI: systematic revision of South American Pentilia Mulsant (Cryptognathini) 8 Detalles
(1221) A new species of iguanid lizard (Hoplocercinae, Enyalioides) from southern Ecuador with a key to eastern Ecuadorian Enyalioides 8 Detalles
(1222) Zoological Museum Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam (NL) - Bryozoa 8 Detalles
(1223) Abilene Christian University Marine invertebrate Specimens (Arctos) 8 Detalles
(1224) University of Nebraska State Museum Birds Collection 8 Detalles
(1225) Unraveling the white-clothed Diestostemma Amyot & Serville: a taxonomic revision of the American sharpshooters of the D. bituberculatum complex (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) 8 Detalles
(1226) A review of the Neotropical microcaddisfly genus Acostatrichia Mosely, 1939 with description of a new species from Brazil (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae: Leucotrichiinae) 8 Detalles
(1227) NHMO DNA Bank Fish and Herptile collection 8 Detalles
(1228) First cladistic analysis of Toxotarsinae (Diptera: Calliphoridae), with insights on the evolution of the group and on the transformation series of some historically controversial characters 8 Detalles
(1229) African Plants - a photo guide 8 Detalles
(1230) UAIC Ichthyological Collection 8 Detalles
(1231) Epipleoneura parmula sp. nov. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Protoneurinae) from Amazonian Ecuador 8 Detalles
(1280) Mollusca (Luomus) 7 Detalles
(1281) The Neotropical Orthonevra Macquart, 1829 (Diptera: Syrphidae) 7 Detalles
(1282) IPA - Herbário - IPA Dárdano de Andrade Lima 7 Detalles
(1283) A new species of Alonella Sars, 1862 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Chydoridae) from the Ecuadorian Andes 7 Detalles
(1284) Arachnida MZS 7 Detalles
(1285) Revision of Macropygium Spinola, 1837 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Ochlerini) with the revalidation of three species and the description of one new species 7 Detalles
(1232) National Herbarium van Suriname Collection 7 Detalles
(1233) University of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium 7 Detalles
(1234) Population-level morphological variation of Anisotremus interruptus (Gill, 1862) (Perciformes: Haemulidae) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, with the description of two new species 7 Detalles
(1235) Coleoptera World (Luomus) (CW) 7 Detalles
(1236) Order Rodentia - Family Echimyidae 7 Detalles
(1237) Colección Taxonómica Nacional de Insectos “Luis María Murillo” (CTNI) 7 Detalles
(1238) Systematic review of the neotropical shovelnose catfish genus Sorubim Cuvier (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae). 7 Detalles
(1239) Catalogue of Coleoptera type specimens housed in the collection of the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 7 Detalles
(1240) Once upon a time in America: recognition of the species of Libitioides from USA, with comments on other American Cosmetidae (Opiliones, Laniatores) 7 Detalles
(1241) The jumping lynx spider Oxyopes salticus Hentz, 1845 and its Neotropical relatives (Araneae: Oxyopidae) 7 Detalles
(1242) Colección de la Clase Reptilia (Superfamilia Gekkota) del Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Concepción UCCC_MZUC_REP 7 Detalles
(1243) INIA-CRF (CSIC) Plant genetic resources for agriculture and food active collection 7 Detalles
(1244) Notes on South American stingless bees of the genus Scaptotrigona (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Part II: Subgroup A of the postica species group 7 Detalles
(1245) UWIZM International Lepidoptera Collection 7 Detalles
(1246) Philogenia gaiae sp. nov. (Zygoptera: Philogeniidae) and description of the female of P. macuma Dunkle, 1986, two species from the Ecuadorean lowland rainforest 7 Detalles
(1247) University of Georgia Collection of Arthropods 7 Detalles
(1248) Macrodactylini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae): primary types of type species and taxonomic changes to the generic classification 7 Detalles
(1249) Three new species of Valeriana (Valerianoideae, Caprifoliaceae) from southern Ecuador 7 Detalles
(1250) Order Chiroptera - Family Phyllostomidae 7 Detalles
(1251) NHMD Invertebrate Zoology Collection 7 Detalles
(1252) Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) 7 Detalles
(1253) ZFMK Phasmatodea collection 7 Detalles
(1254) Collection Crustacea - ZIM Hamburg 7 Detalles
(1255) Revision of the South American genus Xiphiola Bolívar, 1896 (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Ommatolampidinae: Abracrini) 7 Detalles
(1256) Leaf-mining Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) from record high altitudes: documenting an entire new fauna in the Andean páramo and puna 7 Detalles
(1257) Colección de familia Alstroemeriaceae 7 Detalles
(1258) CNAC/Coleccion Nacional de Acaros 7 Detalles
(1259) Revision of the world Apenesia Westwood (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) 7 Detalles
(1260) Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Herbarium 7 Detalles
(1261) MycoKey - online photos 7 Detalles
(1262) Plant specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 7 Detalles
(1263) Review of the Helochares (Hydrobaticus) MacLeay of the New World (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae) 7 Detalles
(1264) Revision of the Astyanax orthodus species-group (Teleostei: Characidae) with descriptions of three new species 7 Detalles
(1265) Polish gene bank – passport data of plants accessions which are important in human life 7 Detalles
(1266) Descriptions, notes, and a new record in Oideterus Thomson (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Anacolini) 7 Detalles
(1267) Collection Thysanoptera SMF 7 Detalles
(1268) UAZ Herpetology Collection 7 Detalles
(1269) Oregon State University Algae Collection 7 Detalles
(1270) Herbarium William Nylander (H-NYL) 7 Detalles
(1271) WWF Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking in Latin America and the Caribbean (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 7 Detalles
(1272) ARC-PPRI: National Collection Of Fungi(1817-2009) 7 Detalles
(1273) Heisteria austroecuadorica (Erythropalaceae): A new species from southeastern Ecuador 7 Detalles
(1274) University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Fungi Collection 7 Detalles
(1275) (Table 1) Sulphur chemistry of ODP Site 206-1256 volcanic section 7 Detalles
(1276) Collections de coquilles continentales du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Grenoble 7 Detalles
(1277) Fiocruz/CEIOC - Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 7 Detalles
(1278) Fiocruz/CLIOC - Coleção de Leishmania 7 Detalles
(1279) Registros Primates Neotropicales Convocatoria APC 7 Detalles
(1286) The skull of the gymnophthalmid lizard Neusticurus ecpleopus (Reptilia: Squamata) 6 Detalles
(1287) Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 rises again; 18 new species of a neglected genus (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Elmidae) 6 Detalles
(1288) UFG - Herbário da Universidade Federal de Goiás 6 Detalles
(1289) The genus Anisoscelis Latreille (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini): new species, taxonomical arrangements, distributional records and key 6 Detalles
(1290) Colección de aves del Museo de Historia Natural de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 6 Detalles
(1291) Bedazzled: a new, striking species of Corades from the outskirts of Quito questions our knowledge of Andean cloud forest butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) 6 Detalles
(1292) El Venado Satellite Tags (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 6 Detalles
(1293) Solanum_baretiae 6 Detalles
(1294) The taxonomy of the American Ariadna Audouin (Araneae: Synspermiata: Segestriidae) 6 Detalles
(1295) A revision of Solanum section Herpystichum 6 Detalles
(1296) TTRS Ornithology 6 Detalles
(1297) CUMV Fish Collection 6 Detalles
(1298) SMNG_Oribatida 6 Detalles
(1299) The bee genus Caenaugochlora (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) and its constituent subgenera, with new species of Caenaugochlora s. str. from Ecuador 6 Detalles
(1300) University of Hawaii Insect Museum 6 Detalles
(1301) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Cnidaria 6 Detalles
(1302) A new species of Noblella (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the Río Manduriacu Reserve on the Pacific slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes 6 Detalles
(1303) Revision of the South American genera Andinocopris new genus and Homocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Homocoprini new tribe) 6 Detalles
(1304) Anticyphon gen. nov., a new genus of Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea) inhabiting high altitude Andean cloud forests and páramo formation 6 Detalles
(1305) Angelo State University Herbarium 6 Detalles
(1306) VIT-Coleopterotheca (The Natural History Museum of Álava) 6 Detalles
(1307) Herbarium GAT 6 Detalles
(1308) Ahart Herbarium, CSU Chico - Bryophytes 6 Detalles
(1309) Hydrolagus mccoskeri sp. nov., a new species of chimaeroid fish from the Galápagos Islands (Holocephali: Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae). 6 Detalles
(1310) Studies in Hawaiian Diptera III: New Distributional Records for Canacidae and a New Endemic Species of Procanace 6 Detalles
(1311) Anacroneuria Marshalli (Plecoptera: Perlidae), A New Stonefly From Argentina, And Two New Records From Ecuador 6 Detalles
(1312) Comparative geometric morphometrics of male genitalia in Xiphocentron subgenera (Trichoptera: Xiphocentronidae): new species, revision and phylogenetic systematics of the subgenus Sphagocentron 6 Detalles
(1313) Four new species and one new genus of zoanthids (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia) from the Galapagos Islands 6 Detalles
(1314) Lichen herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum 6 Detalles
(1315) Taxonomic revision of the New World big-eyed minute litter bug genus Ommatides Uhler (Hemiptera: Schizopteridae) 6 Detalles
(1316) Revision of the spider genus Sparianthis Simon, 1880 (Araneae, Sparassidae Sparianthinae) 6 Detalles
(1317) CeDoc de Biodiversitat Vegetal: BCN-Lich 6 Detalles
(1318) The University of Hong Kong Herbarium 6 Detalles
(1319) Revision of Hypoxys Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera Pentatomidae) 6 Detalles
(1320) LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection 6 Detalles
(1321) Taxonomic revision of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of three new species from Brazil 6 Detalles
(1322) The species of Psomizopelma Gibson (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) 6 Detalles
(1323) Bell Museum birds 6 Detalles
(1324) Marine Invertebrate voucher specimens at the Florida Biodiversity Collection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 6 Detalles
(1325) Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe_Abteilung Biowissenschaften - Referat Zoologie_Oribatida_SMNK-Taxonomische Belegsammlung ORIB 6 Detalles
(1326) TEPB - Herbário Graziela Barroso 6 Detalles
(1327) An illustrated catalogue of South American species of Omorgus Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera, Trogidae, Omorginae) including a neotype designation and taxonomical changes 6 Detalles
(1328) Oregon State University Vascular Plant Collection 6 Detalles
(1329) CEPEC herbarium - Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 6 Detalles
(1330) New records of Stenopygium Becker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Neotropical Region, and a key to species 6 Detalles
(1331) Descriptions, transference and new records of Lamiinae from Central and South America (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 6 Detalles
(1332) Order Paucituberculata 6 Detalles
(1333) Systematics of the family Ariidae (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes), with a redefinition of the genera. 6 Detalles
(1334) Colección de Bruniales, Buxales, Canellales y Caryophyllales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV 6 Detalles
(1335) Mediterranean Germplams Genebank - Triticum collection (ITA436-MGG-Triticum) 6 Detalles
(1336) New Brunswick Museum - Amphibians and Reptiles 6 Detalles
(1337) ZFMK Myriapoda collection 6 Detalles
(1338) Atlas of Brazilian Snakes: Verified Point-Locality Maps to Mitigate the Wallacean Shortfall in a Megadiverse Snake Fauna 6 Detalles
(1339) Echinodermata collection of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology 6 Detalles
(1340) Seven new species of the Neotropical electric fish Gymnotus (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes) with a redescription of G. carapo (Linnaeus). 6 Detalles
(1341) Colección Ictiológica Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Guanare MCNG - INBIO Venezuela 6 Detalles
(1342) The cicada genus Selymbria Stål, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus 6 Detalles
(1343) Michigan State University bryophytes 6 Detalles
(1344) Contribution to the taxonomy of Oxytrigona Cockerell, 1917 (Apidae, Meliponini) 6 Detalles
(1345) Illustrated identification key to the genera of New World Micrelytrini (Hemiptera: Alydidae: Micrelytrinae), with description of two new genera, one new species and new distributional records 5 Detalles
(1346) CHAS Malacology Collection (Arctos) 5 Detalles
(1347) Two new species of Pseudoscopelus (Teleostei: Chiasmodontidae), with a new diagnosis for the genus. 5 Detalles
(1348) Copepod crustaceans identified by Prof. Arthur G. Humes 5 Detalles
(1349) Terrestrial and limnic invertebrates systematic collection, NTNU University Museum 5 Detalles
(1350) Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 5 Detalles
(1351) Extinct and endangered (‘ E & E’) birds in the ornithological collection of the Museum of Zoology of Torino University, Italy 5 Detalles
(1352) Four new species, taxonomic, and nomenclatural notes in Hammatoderus Gemminger & Harold, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 5 Detalles
(1353) Colección de Mamíferos del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-M) 5 Detalles
(1354) NCSM Ichthyology Collection 5 Detalles
(1355) A review of the genus Orionis Shaw (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Euphorinae) and first records of the genus from South America and the Oriental Region 5 Detalles
(1356) Understanding the color variability and resolving taxonomic confusion in the sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea): a revision of the genus Isostichopus 5 Detalles
(1357) CUMV Mammal Collection 5 Detalles
(1358) Colección de Zoología Invertebrados - Helmintología 5 Detalles
(1359) The Shigeru Eda Insect Collection of The University Museum, The University of Tokyo 5 Detalles
(1360) New species of Acanthocinini Blanchard, 1845 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Ecuador and notes on Parabaryssinus lineaticollis (Gounelle, 1910) 5 Detalles
(1361) Occurrence dataset for Neotropical species of Bolitogyrus (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) 5 Detalles
(1362) A new species of the Neotropical spittlebug genus Catrimania Fennah, 1968 (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) with a dichotomous key to species of the genus 5 Detalles
(1363) A new species of the genus Protopolybia Ducke, 1905 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae), with taxonomic contributions to the exigua species-group 5 Detalles
(1364) ICN herbarium - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 5 Detalles
(1365) LA - University of California, Los Angeles Herbarium 5 Detalles
(1366) VIES - Herbário Central da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo 5 Detalles
(1367) New records of sabellids and serpulids (Polychaeta: Sabellidae, Serpulidae) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific 5 Detalles
(1368) New finding of Rhadinoloricaria macromystax (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) redescription of the genus and description of a new species from Ecuador 5 Detalles
(1369) A new species of velvet worm of the genus Oroperipatus (Onychophora, Peripatidae) from western Amazonia 5 Detalles
(1370) Two new species of the armored catfish genus Panaqolus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Ecuadorian Amazon 5 Detalles
(1371) Bell Museum amphibians and reptiles 5 Detalles
(1372) A revision of the South American species of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Triepeolus Robertson, 1901 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) 5 Detalles
(1373) Two new species of Ocyochterus (Heteroptera: Ochteridae) from Ecuador and Panama 5 Detalles
(1374) A new Neotropical emerald moth genus based on some unusual “ artefacts ” (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae) 5 Detalles
(1375) Ecuadorian Acanthocinini: description of two new species and transference and notes on Sympagus cooperi Monné & Monné 5 Detalles
(1376) A review of the Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus and Pseudomyrmex goeldii species groups: acacia-ants and relatives (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 5 Detalles
(1377) Mantodea of Panguana (Insecta: Dictyoptera) 5 Detalles
(1378) Revision of the New World leafhopper tribe Faltalini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) and the evolution of brachyptery 5 Detalles
(1379) Two new species of Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Neotropical Region 5 Detalles
(1380) Intermountain Herbarium Lichen Collection (Utah State University) 5 Detalles
(1381) Platyplastinx ibanezbernali sp. nov., a new species of moth fly (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Ecuador 5 Detalles
(1382) Review of the Neotropical Piezonemus Jordan with type designations, description of Piezonemus espoch sp. nov. from Ecuador, and notes on the tribe Piesocorynini Valentine with keys to world genera (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) 5 Detalles
(1384) The Vascular Plant Collection at the Herbarium MSB, Universität München 5 Detalles
(1385) Amphibian specimens 5 Detalles
(1386) A new species of Microglanis (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae) from the upper rio Tocantins basin, Goiás State, Central Brazil 5 Detalles
(1387) Osaka Prefectural Minoh Park Insects Museum 5 Detalles
(1388) The Neotropical cuckoo wasp genus Ipsiura Linsenmaier, 1959 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae): revision of the species occurring in Brazil 5 Detalles
(1389) A new species of chimaeroid, Hydrolagus alphus sp. nov. (Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae) from the Galapagos Islands. 5 Detalles
(1390) Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium 5 Detalles
(1391) The genus Cylloepus Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae) new species and combinations 5 Detalles
(1392) A new species of Ontherus Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Coprini) and new distributional records of Cryptocanthon humidus Howden, 1973 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini) for Ecuador 5 Detalles
(1393) Révision des Fidicinini nouveau statut de la tribu, espèces connues et nouvelles espèces (Cicadomorpha, Cicadidae, Cicadinae) Première partie Sous-tribu nouvelle des Fidicinina 5 Detalles
(1394) Fungal Specimens of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS) 5 Detalles
(1395) Taxonomic study of wasp species in the Polybia (Myrapetra) occidentalis group morphologically related to P. scrobalis and P. flavifrons, with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae) 5 Detalles
(1396) Revision of the New World Heteromeringia (Diptera: Clusiidae: Clusiodinae) 5 Detalles
(1397) Revision of Pygoda Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Edessinae) with description of four new species 5 Detalles
(1398) New descriptions, synonymies and records in South American Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 5 Detalles
(1399) New species of Cerambycinae and Lamiinae from Ecuador and Honduras, with transference of a species of Rhinotragini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 5 Detalles
(1400) Revised species definitions and nomenclature of the blue and purple / rose Cithaerias butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) 5 Detalles
(1401) Updated catalog and generic keys of the Leiodidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Neotropical region (“ Latin America ”: Mexico, the West Indies, and Central and South America) 5 Detalles
(1402) Taxonomic revision of the crab spider genus Epicadus Simon, 1895 (Arachnida: Araneae: Thomisidae) with notes on related genera of Stephanopinae Simon, 1895 5 Detalles
(1403) Phyllostomidae 5 Detalles
(1404) RBINS Cnidaria collection 5 Detalles
(1405) Descriptions of seven new Acrogonia species from South America (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae: Proconiini) 5 Detalles
(1406) Fishes of Texas Project (FoTX) Database - Darwin Core 5 Detalles
(1407) New records, taxonomic notes, and the description of a new species of Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Ecuador 5 Detalles
(1408) Three new species of Leptanilloides Mann from Andean Ecuador (Formicidae: Leptanilloidinae). 5 Detalles
(1409) Five new species of Metapolybia Ducke, 1905, with the description of the male genitalia of seven species of the genus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae) 5 Detalles
(1410) Systematics of Dynastor Doubleday, [1849] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae, Brassolini) 5 Detalles
(1411) Neotropical spittlebugs related to Neaenini (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) and the origins of subfamily Cercopinae 5 Detalles
(1412) Catalogue of Afrotropical Bees 5 Detalles
(1413) The New World ant parasitoid genus Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) 5 Detalles
(1414) HPL - Herbário do Jardim Botânico Plantarum 5 Detalles
(1415) CZE National PGR Inventory 5 Detalles
(1416) VIES herbarium - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 5 Detalles
(1417) Croton maranonensis: a new species of Euphorbiaceae from the tropical inter-Andean dry valleys 5 Detalles
(1418) Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes 5 Detalles
(1419) Marine invertebrate collection NTNU University Museum 5 Detalles
(1420) SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden 5 Detalles
(1421) Type catalogue of Terebridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London, U. K. 5 Detalles
(1422) SP-Fungi - Maria Eneyda Pacheco Kauffmann Fidalgo 5 Detalles
(1423) An annotated checklist of the Diptera of the Galápagos Archipelago (Ecuador) 4 Detalles
(1424) Revision of Netomocera Bou?ek (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), excluding the Oriental species 4 Detalles
(1425) Taxonomic revision of Paraphasma Redtenbacher, 1906 (Phasmatodea, Pseudophasmatidae) based on phallic and external morphology 4 Detalles
(1426) LIRP - Coleção de Peixes do Laboratório de Ictiologia de Ribeirão Preto 4 Detalles
(1427) Early Land Plants Today: Index of Liverworts & Hornworts 2011 - 2012 4 Detalles
(1428) Taxonomic note on the oil-collecting bee Centris dimidiata (Olivier, 1789) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Centridini) 4 Detalles
(1429) Revision and new species of the African genus Mischogyne (Annonaceae) 4 Detalles
(1430) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Himantigera James, 1982 (Diptera: Stratiomyidae: Sarginae), including the description of two new species and a key to the known species 4 Detalles
(1431) An annotated and illustrated catalog of the primary type material of Hemiptera deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods 4 Detalles
(1432) Insect specimens of Iwate Prefectural Museum 4 Detalles
(1433) Fiocruz/COLFLEB - Coleção de Flebotomíneos 4 Detalles
(1434) A remarkable new species of spittlebug and a second living New World genus in the Clastopteridae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea) 4 Detalles
(1435) ZFMK Blattodea collection 4 Detalles
(1436) International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP) 4 Detalles
(1437) Mycology herbarium, UiB 4 Detalles
(1438) California State University, Long Beach Mammal specimens (Arctos) 4 Detalles
(1439) Dioscorea magnibracteata (Dioscoreaceae), a new species from western Ecuador based on the unpublished work of Temple Clayton 4 Detalles
(1440) A revision of the genus Andesipolis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Mesostoinae) and redefinition of the subfamily Mesostoinae 4 Detalles
(1441) Hidden gems in museum cabinets: new species and new distributional records of Scolytodes (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) 4 Detalles
(1442) TEPB herbarium - Herbário da Universidade Federal do Piauí - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 4 Detalles
(1443) Revision of the pale-bellied Micronycteris Gray, 1866 (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) with descriptions of two new species 4 Detalles
(1444) Four new species of Heza Amyot & Audinet-Serville (Heteroptera: Reduviidae Harpactorinae) from the Neotropics 4 Detalles
(1445) University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, North American lichens 4 Detalles
(1446) Additions to the knowledge of Manota Williston (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from the Neotropical region, with description of four new species 4 Detalles
(1447) A new bat species of the genus Myotis with comments on the phylogenetic placement of M. keaysi and M. pilosatibialis 4 Detalles
(1448) Division of the genera Sparna Thomson, 1864 and Carterica Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Colobotheini) with description of six new genera and eight new species 4 Detalles
(1449) College of Southern Nevada; Wesley E. Niles Herbarium 4 Detalles
(1450) Duke University Herbarium Fungal Collection 4 Detalles
(1451) A new species of Mada Gordon from the Andes (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Epilachnini) 4 Detalles
(1452) Colección de Plantas Vasculares del Herbario Forestal UDBC "Gilberto Emilio Mahecha Vega" 4 Detalles
(1453) The Keiichi Omoto Butterfly Collection(Papilionidae), The University Museum, The University of Tokyo 4 Detalles
(1454) Second-step lectotypifications of two names in Festuca subgenus Erosiflorae (Loliinae, Pooideae, Poaceae) 4 Detalles
(1455) Taxonomic review of the Hyphessobrycon panamensis species-group (Characiformes: Characidae) 4 Detalles
(1456) Description of a new species of the Lissochlora albociliaria species group (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae) 4 Detalles
(1457) CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Hepáticas (MA-Hepat) 4 Detalles
(1458) Distribution ashore and breeding places of southern elephant seals 4 Detalles
(1459) Colección Ornitológica del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN-MHN-Or) 4 Detalles
(1460) Danish Mycological Society, fungal records database 4 Detalles
(1461) FBIP:ELM: Malacology Collections 4 Detalles
(1462) Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum 4 Detalles
(1463) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Ichnology National Collection (MACNIcn) 4 Detalles
(1464) Nordic Genetic Resources 4 Detalles
(1465) Visual Plants ( - Plants from Southern Ecuador; Frank Haubrich 4 Detalles
(1466) A new species of Polynoncus Burmeister, 1876 from Brazil (Coleoptera: Trogidae) 4 Detalles
(1467) UCM Bird Collection (Arctos) 4 Detalles
(1468) An annotated checklist of the Pericopina (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) 4 Detalles
(1469) Soricidae 4 Detalles
(1470) Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-424 4 Detalles
(1471) California State University, Long Beach Bird specimens (Arctos) 4 Detalles
(1472) Michigan State University Herbarium non-lichenized fungi 4 Detalles
(1473) Harmful Algal Event Database (HAEDAT) 4 Detalles
(1474) Taxonomy of the Neotropical species of Calythea (Anthomyiidae: Diptera), with description of two new species from South America 4 Detalles
(1475) Three new species of Ecuadorian Rhinotragini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 4 Detalles
(1476) Global subterranean fishes 4 Detalles
(1477) Collection Coleoptera SMF 4 Detalles
(1478) Description of Notarius biffi n. sp. and redescription of N. insculptus (Jordan and Gilbert) (Siluriformes: Ariidae) from the eastern Pacific, with evidence of monophyly and limits of Notarius. 4 Detalles
(1479) Traumatomutilla André miscellanea: Revision of the bellica, bifurca, diabolica, and vitelligera species groups, and a new group for the new species T. pilkingtoni Bartholomay and Williams (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Sphaeropthalminae: Dasymutillini) 4 Detalles
(1480) A new species and new records of Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from Ecuador 4 Detalles
(1481) Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Arthropods 4 Detalles
(1482) A matrix-based revision of the genus Hypogena Dejean, 1834 (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae) 4 Detalles
(1483) Neotropical osmylids (Neuroptera, Osmylidae): Three new species of Isostenosmylus Krüger, 1913, new distributional records, redescriptions, checklist and key for the Neotropical species 4 Detalles
(1484) SDNHM Mammology Collection 4 Detalles
(1485) Taxonomic revision of the P. chartergoides species-group of the genus Protopolybia Ducke, 1905 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Polistinae) 4 Detalles
(1486) Herbario CTES Plantas Vasculares 4 Detalles
(1487) The Neotropical species of Atractodes (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), II: the A. pleuripunctatus species-group 4 Detalles
(1488) First record of the family Diplommatinidae Gray, 1847 (Gastropoda: Architaenioglossa) from Ecuador with description of a new Adelopoma Doering, 1885 4 Detalles
(1489) Colección Briológica del Herbario LIL (FML–Tucumán) 4 Detalles
(1490) Coleção de Crustacea do Museu Nacional (MNRJ - CARCINO) 4 Detalles
(1491) Catalog of the types of Coleoptera (Insecta) deposited at Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM), Lima, Peru 4 Detalles
(1492) Mammalia (Luomus) 4 Detalles
(1493) Ascomycetes externi 4 Detalles
(1494) Description of four new species of Ochlerini from South America (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae) 4 Detalles
(1495) Bryophyte collection of the United Herbaria of the University and ETH Zurich (Z+ZT) 4 Detalles
(1496) PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences 4 Detalles
(1497) Gynoxys revolutifolia (Senecioneae, Asteraceae): A new species from southern Ecuador 4 Detalles
(1498) Taxonomic revision of the Protopolybia sedula species-group (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae), with an new identification key to species 4 Detalles
(1499) Aulopus chirichignoae, a new flagfin from the eastern Pacific Ocean (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Aulopidae) 4 Detalles
(1500) THREE NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES (ACARI, ORIBATIDA) FROM ECUADOR Sergey G. E, Dorothee S, Franca M and Mark M 4 Detalles
(1501) Queen Victoria Museum Art Gallery provider for OZCAM 4 Detalles
(1502) Catalogue of the type specimens of Issidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from research collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 4 Detalles
(1503) An annotated type catalogue of the camel spiders (Arachnida: Solifugae) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg 4 Detalles
(1504) Global database of alien macrofungi 4 Detalles
(1505) Two new Oxytrechus species from Ecuadorian páramo (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) 4 Detalles
(1506) Forty years later: a new Andean stream treefrog of the genus Hyloscirtus (Anura: Hylidae) from Ecuador, with comments on arm hypertrophy in the H. larinopygion group 4 Detalles
(1507) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN). Actuopalynology National Collection (BAPa) 4 Detalles
(1508) MCTP-Aranhas - Coleção de Arachnida e Myriapoda 4 Detalles
(1509) University of California Santa Barbara Lichen Collection 4 Detalles
(1510) Alabama Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology (Arctos) 4 Detalles
(1511) A new species of Pachyurus Agassiz 1831 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Sciaenidae) from the Río Napo basin, Eastern Ecuador. 4 Detalles
(1512) Revision of the Neotropical Stilt Bug Genus Metajalysus Štusák (Hemiptera Heteroptera: Berytidae), with Descriptions of Three New Species 4 Detalles
(1513) Novelties in “ incertae sedis ” Vriesea (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae): Redescriptions, new combinations and nomenclatural revision 4 Detalles
(1514) A new endemic Magnolia species (M. sect. Talauma, Magnoliaceae) from the southwestern montane forest remnants of Ecuador 4 Detalles
(1515) International Fossil Shell Museum (NL) - Mollusca Collection 4 Detalles
(1516) Lepidoptera World (Luomus) (LEPW) 4 Detalles
(1517) Algae herbarium TRH, NTNU University Museum 4 Detalles
(1518) Family groups of Diopsoidea and Nerioidea (Diptera: Schizophora) - Definition, history and relationships 4 Detalles
(1536) Alobevania, a new genus of neotropical ensign wasps (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae), with three new species: integrating taxonomy with the World Wide Web. 3 Detalles
(1537) New and little known Orthoptera (Ensifera and Caelifera) from the Ñambí River Natural Reserve, Nariño, Colombia 3 Detalles
(1538) Catalogue of Mycotretus Lacordaire, 1842 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Tritomini): an annotated, illustrated and historical approach 3 Detalles
(1539) Description of two new species of Cerambycidae and new records and notes on American Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) 3 Detalles
(1540) Revalidation and redescription of Feltia deprivata (Walker) (= bilitura of authors) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a pest species on South America 3 Detalles
(1541) Colección de Mamíferos del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN-MHN-Ma) 3 Detalles
(1542) Checklist of the false scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of Colombia, with new records and a key to the identification of the families 3 Detalles
(1543) Ophioderma hendleri sp. nov. (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiodermatidae) and its congeners from the Eastern Pacific 3 Detalles
(1544) Buestanmyia chiriboga gen. nov. et sp. nov. (Diptera: Tabanidae: Diachlorini) from the Ecuadorian Andes 3 Detalles
(1545) A new species of Peplomicrus Bernhauer from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae Micropeplinae) 3 Detalles
(1546) FCAB - Herbário Friburguense 3 Detalles
(1547) Herbario del Museo de Historia Natural C.J. Marinkelle 3 Detalles
(1548) Invert Paleo Specimens 3 Detalles
(1549) First record of the family Azotidae from Ecuador, with a description of a new species of Ablerus Howard (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Azotidae) from the Galapagos Islands 3 Detalles
(1550) Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM 3 Detalles
(1551) Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium 3 Detalles
(1552) A new South American species of Palaeophileurus Kolbe (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini) 3 Detalles
(1553) Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) 3 Detalles
(1554) Revisão do gênero Antiteuchus Dallas (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae) 3 Detalles
(1555) A new species of cat-eyed snake (Serpentes: Dipsadinae: Leptodeirini) from the Andes of southern Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1556) M. Andrew Johnston Research Collection 3 Detalles
(1557) Asturodes Amsel (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae): Three New Species From The Western Hemisphere And Food Plant Records From Area De Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica 3 Detalles
(1558) Biofouling hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from a Tropical Eastern Pacific island, with remarks on their biogeography 3 Detalles
(1559) The cicadas of Colombia including new records and the description of a new species (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) 3 Detalles
(1560) CHAS Entomology Collection (Arctos) 3 Detalles
(1561) UF Florida Museum Paleobotany 3 Detalles
(1562) DMNS Mammal Collection (Arctos) 3 Detalles
(1563) Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colección de Artrópodos (UVGC) 3 Detalles
(1564) Afromoths, online database of Afrotropical moth species (Lepidoptera) 3 Detalles
(1565) New South Wales Plant Pathology and Mycology Herbarium AVH data 3 Detalles
(1566) New Species And Records Of Colombian, Ecuadorian And Venezuelan Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae), With A Review Of The Anacroneuria Aymara Stark & Sivec Complex 3 Detalles
(1567) Contributions on Gargaphia (Heteroptera, Tingidae) systematics: redescriptions of two South American species with considerations on the status of G. inca 3 Detalles
(1568) Hiding in plain sight: rediscovery and review of Parygrus Erichson, 1847, with description of five new species from the Neotropics (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea Dryopidae) 3 Detalles
(1569) New species and new distributional records of Elanela Rolston, 1980 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) 3 Detalles
(1570) Neotropical Chvalaea Papp & Földvári (Diptera: Hybotidae: Ocydromiinae): new records, an illustrated key to species and description of three new species 3 Detalles
(1571) Mollusca specimens of Toyama Science Museum 3 Detalles
(1572) Order Paucituberculata 3 Detalles
(1573) Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species 3 Detalles
(1574) There and back again: contributions on Pseudevoplitus Ruckes (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) 3 Detalles
(1575) International records of herpetofauna published in the British Herpetological Society's journals 3 Detalles
(1576) Collection Porifera - ZMB 3 Detalles
(1577) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC, Madrid: MNCN-Nemata 3 Detalles
(1578) Over- and under-described: new species, new synonyms, and a new name in the megadiverse genus Piper (Piperaceae) on the east Andean slopes 3 Detalles
(1579) Order Rodentia - Family Heteromyidae 3 Detalles
(1580) Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum 3 Detalles
(1581) Vascular Plant Collection - University of Washington Herbarium (WTU) 3 Detalles
(1582) Revision of the South American genus Tetragonopterus Cuvier, 1816 (Teleostei: Characidae) with description of four new species 3 Detalles
(1583) Eschweilera podoaquilae: A new species of Lecythidaceae from northwestern Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1584) Early Land Plants Today: Index of Liverworts & Hornworts 2013 - 2014 3 Detalles
(1585) Fish collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 3 Detalles
(1586) CNPE/Coleccion Nacional de Peces 3 Detalles
(1587) Global Distribution and Diversity of Solenidae Species 3 Detalles
(1588) Taxonomy of widespread Neotropical species of Podisus Herrich-Schäffer (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae): redescription of P. distinctus (Stål, 1860) and revalidation of P. fuscescens (Dallas, 1851) 3 Detalles
(1589) SDNHM Paleontology Collection 3 Detalles
(1590) Invertebrate fossil collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 3 Detalles
(1591) Phylogenetic diversity of the Pristimantis anaiae species group, with a description of a new species of Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) from Cerro Candelaria, Tungurahua, Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1592) Evan Waite Invertebrate Collection 3 Detalles
(1593) N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium (NE) AVH data 3 Detalles
(1594) Ictelmis, a new riffle beetle genus from Ecuador (Coleoptera: Elmidae) 3 Detalles
(1595) Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-424B 3 Detalles
(1596) Illustrated review of the leaf-mining Nepticulidae of the central Andes (Peru and Bolivia) 3 Detalles
(1597) Order Primates 3 Detalles
(1598) Illustrated review of the leaf-mining Nepticulidae of the central Andes (Peru and Bolivia) 3 Detalles
(1599) Ohio State University Tetrapod Division - Bird Collection (OSUM) 3 Detalles
(1600) Fiocruz/COLVET - Coleção de Vetores de Tripanosomatídeos 3 Detalles
(1601) A time relic: a new species of dwarf boa, Tropidophis Bibron, 1840 (Serpentes: Amerophidia), from the Upper Amazon Basin 3 Detalles
(1602) University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium - Lichens 3 Detalles
(1603) Crustacean specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History 3 Detalles
(1604) MEXU/Colección de Plantas Acuáticas 3 Detalles
(1605) Three new species of Drosophila tripunctata group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in the eastern Andes of Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1606) Catalogue of type specimens deposited in the Polychaeta Collection of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Léon (Mexico) 3 Detalles
(1607) Pleurothallis inaudita, an unnoticed new species in Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) from southwestern Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1608) EBC herbarium - Economic Botany Collection - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 3 Detalles
(1609) Two new species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1610) Rediscovery and redescription of Oxycheila buestani Wiesner with the first female record and new methodology for observation of Oxycheila Dejean and Oxygonia Mannerheim (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) 3 Detalles
(1611) Revision of the genus Euarestoides Benjamin (Diptera: Tephritidae) 3 Detalles
(1612) HTSA - Herbário do Trópico Semiárido 3 Detalles
(1613) The fossil collection (F) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 3 Detalles
(1614) A revision of the myrmecophilous genus Smilax Laporte (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) 3 Detalles
(1615) Seed Collection of Vegetable and Industrial crops of Armenia 3 Detalles
(1616) New species of leaf-mining Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) from the Neotropical and Ando-Patagonian regions, with new data on host plants 3 Detalles
(1617) Apteronotus caudimaculosus n. sp. (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae), a sexually dimorphic black ghost knifefish from the Pantanal, Western Brazil, with a note on the monophyly of the A. albifrons species complex. 3 Detalles
(1618) Carnet en Ligne 3 Detalles
(1619) Colección de Invertebrados del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-I) 3 Detalles
(1620) On the systematic allocation of Liomma Roewer, 1959 (Arachnida: Opiliones: Nomoclastidae) and discovery of a putative synapomorphy for Nomoclastinae 3 Detalles
(1621) A new species of Oncopeltus Stål, 1868 (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) in the nominate subgenus from Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1622) Revisión taxonómica de Pseudococcus Westwood (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) de Centro y Sud América con descripciones de especies nuevas 3 Detalles
(1623) Does the genus Dasymutilla Ashmead occur in South America? The new genus Quwitilla, new combinations, and new distribution records from Neotropical velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) 3 Detalles
(1624) A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera 3 Detalles
(1625) Five new species of the genus Leucania Ochsenheimer in Central America (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 3 Detalles
(1626) Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology Collection 3 Detalles
(1627) Invertebrata varia (Luomus) 3 Detalles
(1628) Revisionary studies on the attine ant genus Trachymyrmex Forel. Part 3: The Jamaicensis group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 3 Detalles
(1629) Colección de Entomología - Hymenoptera - Parasitica 3 Detalles
(1630) New species of Dugdaleiella, gen. nov., Kozloviella, gen. nov., and Pfitzneriella Viette from upper elevation Andes of Ecuador and Peru (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) 3 Detalles
(1631) SDSM Invertebrate Collections 3 Detalles
(1632) Bird study skins held by Leeds Museums and Galleries (non-UK records) 3 Detalles
(1633) New species of the genus Mimogonia and Holotrochus from South America (Coleoptera: Staphylindae: Osoriinae) 3 Detalles
(1634) New species of Pseudonereis Kinberg, 1865 (Polychaeta: Nereididae) from the Atlantic Ocean, and a review of paragnath morphology and methodology 3 Detalles
(1635) Two new species, transference, notes, and new record in South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 3 Detalles
(1636) A new riparian Andean Potamites (Reptilia, Squamata, Gymnophtalmidae) from El Sira Mountains, central Peru, with comments on P. ecpleopus Cope 1875, and on the taxonomy and biogeography of Potamites 3 Detalles
(1637) Tennessee Technological University, Hollister Herbarium 3 Detalles
(1638) Bryophyte specimens at Herbarium of Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, TAIWAN (TAIE) 3 Detalles
(1639) ZUEC-COL - Coleção de Coleoptera do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP 3 Detalles
(1640) RBR herbarium - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 3 Detalles
(1641) A contribution to the knowledge of the subfamily Panagaeinae Hope, 1838 from Africa. Part 2. Revision of the Craspedophorus leprieuri and C. regalis groups (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 3 Detalles
(1642) Revision of the Hybobathus arx and Pelecinobaccha summa species groups (Diptera: Syrphidae) 3 Detalles
(1643) Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species 3 Detalles
(1644) Xanthosoma gratiae (Araceae), a new species from the cordillera ChongónColonche in coastal Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1645) Hoplodactylus tohu Scarsbrook & amp; Walton & amp; Rawlence & amp; Hitchmough 2023, n. sp. 3 Detalles
(1646) A review of the previously monotypic tribe Dibolostethini (Chelodesmidae: Chelodesminae) with description of two new species and a summary of the Chelodesmidae of the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot 3 Detalles
(1647) Natural History Museum of Utah Fungarium 3 Detalles
(1648) Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana 3 Detalles
(1649) Colección de Entomología - Hymenoptera - Chalcidoidea 3 Detalles
(1650) Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XVIII: Four new species of Lobolibethra Hennemann & Conle, 2007 from Peru and Ecuador (Phasmatodea: “ Anareolatae ”: Diapheromeridae) 3 Detalles
(1519) On the symphytognathoid spider genus Mysmenopsis Simon, 1898 (Araneae: Mysmenidae) from the Brazilian Amazonian region: description of five new species and new records 3 Detalles
(1520) Description of the Nymph of Tramea binotata (Rambur, 1842) (Odonata: Libellulidae) 3 Detalles
(1521) Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM 3 Detalles
(1522) Taxonomic account and phylogenetic relationships of the species of the Neotropical social wasp genus Chartergus Lepeletier, 1836 (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini) 3 Detalles
(1523) Taxonomic revision of the flavopalliata species group of Signiphora (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae) 3 Detalles
(1524) Foreign plant germplasm collections in Ghana 3 Detalles
(1525) New species and synonymies in Xenopygus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini) 3 Detalles
(1526) Fiocruz/COLPROT - Coleção de Protozoários 3 Detalles
(1527) Herbarium SUNY Oswego 3 Detalles
(1528) A new species of Epidendrum (Laeliinae: Orchidaceae) from the province of Zamora Chinchipe in Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1529) Pseudochroaptomus ecuadoriensis-a new genus and species of Philonthina and its systematic placement (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) 3 Detalles
(1530) UFP - Herbário UFP - Geraldo Mariz 3 Detalles
(1531) A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group. 3 Detalles
(1532) A new species of Toxorhinus Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Dryophthorinae; Rhynchophorini) from Ecuador 3 Detalles
(1533) Catalogue of distribution of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Brazilian Amazonia. IV. Alopoglossidae, Gymnophthalmidae 3 Detalles
(1534) Types of Cuyabasa Bechyné, Palmaraltica Bechyné and Rhynchasphaera Bechyné (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini: Oedionychina) of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, with keys to species and descriptions of genitalia, and new combinations for species transferred to the oedionychine 3 Detalles
(1535) The endless search for type specimens; illustrations of eleven spider (Araneae Mygalomorphae) species described by Eugène Simon 3 Detalles
(1792) Argia mauffrayi n. sp. from Ecuador (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) 2 Detalles
(1793) Wisconsin Insect Research Collection 2 Detalles
(1794) The reptiles, amphibians and fishes collection (ZA) in the Comparative Anatomy Collection of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 2 Detalles
(1795) Two new endemic species of Chrysopodes (Neosuarius) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) from the Galapagos Islands 2 Detalles
(1796) A conspectus of the native and naturalized species of Nephrolepis (Nephrolepidaceae) in the world 2 Detalles
(1797) Konradus leehermani - a new genus and species of Philonthina from the Neotropical region and its phylogenetic relationships (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) 2 Detalles
(1798) HURB - Herbário do Recôncavo da Bahia 2 Detalles
(1799) CUMV Amphibian and Reptile Collection 2 Detalles
(1800) Taxonomic revision of the soldier spider genus Falconina Brignoli, 1985 (Araneae: Corinnidae: Corinninae) 2 Detalles
(1801) Revision of the South American freshwater genus Plagioscion (Teleostei, Perciformes, Sciaenidae). 2 Detalles
(1802) Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XVII: Revision of Phantasca Redtenbacher, 1906, with the descriptions of six new species (Phasmatodea: Diapheromeridae: Diapheromerinae) 2 Detalles
(1803) First record of Systelloderes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Enicocephalidae) from Ecuador with a list of Ecuadorian Enicocephalomorpha 2 Detalles
(1804) A revision of Grimmia (Grimmiaceae) from South Africa and Lesotho 2 Detalles
(1805) Revision of the genus Pteroplatus Buquet, 1840 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) and taxonomic notes in Pteroplatini 2 Detalles
(1806) Updating the taxonomy of the bee genus Megalopta (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Augochlorini) including revision of the Brazilian species 2 Detalles
(1807) Three new species of Neotropical Ceraleurodicus Hempel (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) found in the Natural History Museum (London) collection, with notes and a puparial key to species 2 Detalles
(1808) A new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Zamora in the Province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1809) Five new species of the Neotropical genus Venezolanoconnus Franz (Coleoptera Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae) 2 Detalles
(1810) Description and phylogenetic relationships of a new trans-Andean species of Elachistocleis Parker 1927 (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae) 2 Detalles
(1811) Revision of Alaptus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Holarctic region, with taxonomic notes on some extralimital species 2 Detalles
(1812) Not everything is what it seems: the study of type specimens of Cryptogenius Westwood, 1842 species (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae: Anaidinae) reveals a new species and new synonyms 2 Detalles
(1813) Australian National Insect Collection 2 Detalles
(1814) ZFMK Acari collection 2 Detalles
(1815) Nocturnal Aphanistes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Anomaloninae) in the Neotropical region, with the description of five new species 2 Detalles
(1816) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: BGJBB 2 Detalles
(1817) A new terrestrial frog (Anura: Craugastoridae) from the montane cloud forests of the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes 2 Detalles
(1818) srli_global_araneae 2 Detalles
(1819) DMNS Egg Collection (Arctos) 2 Detalles
(1820) Census of Cnidaria (Medusozoa) and Ctenophora from South American marine waters 2 Detalles
(1821) Hemiptera (Homoptera) collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 2 Detalles
(1822) Helicosina, a new genus of Neotropical Limosininae (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) 2 Detalles
(1823) Auburn University, Freeman Herbarium - Lichens 2 Detalles
(1824) Notoraja martinezi sp. nov., a new species of deepwater skate and the first record of the genus Notoraja Ishiyama, 1958 (Rajiformes: Arhynchobatidae) from the eastern Pacific Ocean 2 Detalles
(1825) A striking new species of Dolichomitus Smith, 1877 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae) from South America 2 Detalles
(1826) Coleção Ictiológica (MNRJ), Museu Nacional (MN), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ) 2 Detalles
(1827) University of New Mexico Herbarium 2 Detalles
(1828) Putnam Museum and Science Center 2 Detalles
(1829) Description of Brachymeria philornisae sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), a parasitoid of the bird parasite Philornis trinitensis (Diptera: Muscidae) in Tobago, with a review of the sibling species 2 Detalles
(1830) The Australambrysus plax (La Rivers, 1967) species complex (Heteroptera: Naucoridae), with descriptions of three new species 2 Detalles
(1831) Revision of Nephochaetopteryx Townsend, 1934 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) 2 Detalles
(1832) On the taxonomic identity of Sturnira nana Gardner and O’Neil, 1971 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), from Ecuador, with the description of a new species of Sturnira 2 Detalles
(1833) Revision of Thaumatocranaus Roewer, 1932, with description of two new species (Opiliones: Laniatores: Gonyleptoidea) 2 Detalles
(1834) Grias portillae (Lecythidaceae): A new tree species from northwestern Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1835) Culture Collection of Microalgae and Zygnematophyceae Collection Hamburg (MZCH-SVCK) 2 Detalles
(1836) Digitization PEN: Digital Data from the Terrestrial Polyneoptera at American Museum of Natural History 2 Detalles
(1837) NCSM Herpetology Collection 2 Detalles
(1838) A new species of lava lizard (Iguanidae: Tropidurinae: Microlophus) from the Galápagos 2 Detalles
(1839) Taxonomic revision of the species of Colletes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) found in Chile 2 Detalles
(1840) Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Entomology Collection 2 Detalles
(1841) Review of the Genus Ambotingis Drake and Ruhoff (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) 2 Detalles
(1842) A new glassfrog (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from the Topo River Basin, Amazonian slopes of the Andes of Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1843) Review of Nasuconia Sakakibara, 2006 (Hemiptera: Membracidae) with description of three new species 2 Detalles
(1844) Phylogeny of the new subfamily Cladodinae: neotenic fireflies from the Neotropics (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) 2 Detalles
(1845) A new genus and species, Barbaropus flatus, from Ecuador with notes on Empoascini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) 2 Detalles
(1846) Disersus otongachi a new species of Larainae riffle beetles from Ecuador (Coleoptera: Elmidae) 2 Detalles
(1847) Species-richness in Neotropical Sericothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) 2 Detalles
(1848) Data from: A revision of Sesuvium (Aizoaceae, Sesuvioideae) 2 Detalles
(1849) Coleccion Ficologica 2 Detalles
(1850) Two new species of Metamasius Horn, 1873 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Dryophthorinae) from Ecuador and Colombia 2 Detalles
(1851) Bryophyte herbarium, UiB 2 Detalles
(1852) CGMS - Herbário da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul 2 Detalles
(1853) Gastropoda collection of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Laboratory of Ocean Benthic Fauna 2 Detalles
(1854) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Rhabdotylus Lutz, 1913 (Diptera: Tabanidae) 2 Detalles
(1855) HURB herbarium - Herbário da Universidade do Recôncavo da Bahia - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 2 Detalles
(1856) New records of lampriform fishes (Teleostei: Lampriformes) from the Pacific coast of lower Central America, with comments on the diversity, taxonomy and distribution of the Lampriformes in the eastern Pacific Ocean 2 Detalles
(1857) Order Soricomorpha 2 Detalles
(1858) A new species of Microglanis Eigenmann, 1912 (Siluriformes, Pseudopimelodidae) from rio São Francisco basin, Brazil. 2 Detalles
(1859) Neoeubria inbionis Shepard & Barr, a new genus and new species of Neotropical water penny beetle (Coleoptera: Psephenidae: Eubriinae), with a key to the adult Eubriinae of the Neotropic Zone 2 Detalles
(1860) BoGART - Berlin Botanical Garden (B) Accessions Database 2 Detalles
(1861) SJRP - Herbário de São José do Rio Preto 2 Detalles
(1862) ZFMK Lepidoptera collection 2 Detalles
(1863) UFMT - Herbário UFMT 2 Detalles
(1864) Herbário CPAP da Embrapa Pantanal 2 Detalles
(1865) Systematics and biogeography of Cuban porcelain crabs (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae) 2 Detalles
(1866) Additions and corrections to the systematics of mayfly species assigned to the genus Callibaetis Eaton 1881 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from South America 2 Detalles
(1867) Happywhale - Sperm whale in South Pacific Ocean 2 Detalles
(1868) A new species of Rhagomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) from southeastern Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1869) Review of the genus Cruziohyla (Anura: Phyllomedusidae), with description of a new species 2 Detalles
(1870) A new species of Alipumilio Shannon, 1927 (Diptera: Syrphidae), with the description of the male of A. avispas Vockeroth, 1964 and A. femoratus Shannon, 1927 2 Detalles
(1871) Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium - Mycology Collection 2 Detalles
(1872) Amalophyllon miraculum (Gesneriaceae), an exceptionally small lithophilous new species from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1873) New Brunswick Museum - Mammals 2 Detalles
(1651) Intermountain Herbarium (Bryophytes), Utah State University 2 Detalles
(1652) Lost and found-Discovery of the presumed lost type of Arma pallipes Dallas new synonymy and description of two new species of Podisus Herrich-Schäffer (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) 2 Detalles
(1653) A new genus and species of Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Ecuador, with notes on additional taxa 2 Detalles
(1654) The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK 2 Detalles
(1655) Revision of Zaphanta Dyar? 1910 (Lepidoptera: Mimallonidae: Zaphantinae) ? with descriptions of nine new species 2 Detalles
(1656) Distribution and identification of the species in the genus Helicops Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes, Colubridae, Xenodontinae) 2 Detalles
(1657) BARO Herbarium, The M.S University of Baroda 2 Detalles
(1658) Review of Loxopus Townes (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with descriptions of six new species 2 Detalles
(1659) South American Leaf-Cutter Bees (Genus Megachile) Of The Subgenera Rhyssomegachile And Zonomegachile, With Two New Subgenera (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) 2 Detalles
(1660) Salacia juradoi (Celastraceae), a new species from coastal Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1661) A new genus with seven species of the Subfamily Nopinae (Araneae, Caponiidae) from the Neotropical region 2 Detalles
(1662) Relocation of Alona manueli Sinev & Zawisza 2013 and a new closely related species from the Ecuadorian Andes to the new genus Alpinalona (Cladocera, Chydoridae, Aloninae) 2 Detalles
(1663) Taxonomic revision of the Protopolybia picteti - emortualis species-group (Richards 1978), with descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Polistinae) 2 Detalles
(1664) Two new species of Riethia Kieffer, 1917 from Chile and Ecuador (Chironomidae: Chironominae, Pseudochironomini) 2 Detalles
(1665) In memoriam of Professor Pavel Štys (1933 - 2018): biography, memories, bibliography and list of described taxa 2 Detalles
(1666) A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical myrmicine ant genus Lachnomyrmex Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 2 Detalles
(1667) On four new species of the jumping spider genus Mago O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882 from South America (Araneae: Salticidae) 2 Detalles
(1668) Systematics of Thiodinini (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species 2 Detalles
(1669) A new glassfrog of the genus Centrolene (Amphibia, Centrolenidae) from the Subandean Kutukú Cordillera, eastern Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1670) Taxonomic review of Sibaria Stål, 1872 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Carpocorini), with description of a new species 2 Detalles
(1671) A new genus, new species and taxonomic notes on American Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 2 Detalles
(1672) SPSF - Herbário Dom Bento José Pickel 2 Detalles
(1673) Peripus, a new genus of Xanthopygina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from South America 2 Detalles
(1674) Gymnotus ucamara: a new species of Neotropical electric fish from the Peruvian Amazon (Ostariophysi: Gymnotidae), with notes on ecology and electric organ discharges. 2 Detalles
(1675) Order Carnivora 2 Detalles
(1676) Vascular Plant Herbarium: Herbarium Generale 2 Detalles
(1677) Three new genera from South America and some taxonomic changes in Gyponini (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) 2 Detalles
(1678) New species and new geographical records in Disteniidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea) with revised keys to species of Novantinoe and American species of Distenia (Distenia) 2 Detalles
(1679) Viuria Grishin, 2019 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae): taxonomy, description of two new species, and remarks on the morphology of secondary sexual organs of males 2 Detalles
(1680) Taxonomic revision of the Colombian Tityus (Archaeotityus) (Scorpiones, Buthidae) species: a morphological and morphometric approach, with a description of a new species 2 Detalles
(1681) Is Elsiella Froeschner, 1981 a valid genus? (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) 2 Detalles
(1682) Synonymies and seven new species in Lamiinae from the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 2 Detalles
(1683) Revision of the smaller-sized dorados (Salminus), with comments on the monophyly of the genus and its biogeography (Characiformes: Bryconidae) 2 Detalles
(1684) The genus Manota Williston (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) in Peruvian Amazonia, with description of sixteen new species and notes on local species richness 2 Detalles
(1685) Re-curation of the Myriapoda collection in the Lyman Entomological Museum 2 Detalles
(1686) New synonymies among species of Brontostoma (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) 2 Detalles
(1687) Order Rodentia - Family Sciuridae 2 Detalles
(1688) Virtual Herbarium ALTB (South-Siberian Botanical Garden) 2 Detalles
(1689) Happywhale - Common bottlenose dolphin in South Pacific Ocean 2 Detalles
(1690) A new species and new records of the leafhopper genera Dryadomorpha Kirkaldy, 1906 and Stenogiffardia Evans, 1977 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from Equatorial Africa 2 Detalles
(1691) Revision of the New World genera Adelius Haliday and Paradelius de Saeger (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae: Adeliini) 2 Detalles
(1692) Hidden gems in museum cabinets: new species and new distributional records of Scolytodes (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) 2 Detalles
(1693) A new bot fly species of Cuterebra (Diptera: Oestridae) from Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1694) Emballonuridae 2 Detalles
(1695) Diagnostics of new species of Neotropical Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera), with the first record of Coptotriche Walshingham from South America 2 Detalles
(1696) Eight new species of Dexosarcophaga Townsend, 1917 (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) from the Neotropical Region 2 Detalles
(1697) Order Artiodactyla 2 Detalles
(1698) Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History, University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Mammal specimens (Arctos) 2 Detalles
(1699) A new species of Amyris (Rutaceae) from southern Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1700) Review of the New World genus Nanium Townes, 1967 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ctenopelmatinae), with two new species from the Neotropical region 2 Detalles
(1701) US herbarium - Smithsonian Institute - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 2 Detalles
(1702) Herbario Museo de La Salle Bogotá (BOG) 2 Detalles
(1703) Lectotype designations taxonomic notes and new synonymies in some species of the bee genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by Frederick Smith (Hymenoptera: Apidae) 2 Detalles
(1704) A new Species of Anthurium section Calomystrium, subsection Rupicola (Araceae) from Peru 2 Detalles
(1705) Order Carnivora 2 Detalles
(1706) A new species of Bisaltes Thomson, 1868 from Peru and Ecuador (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini) 2 Detalles
(1707) Colección de Reptiles 2 Detalles
(1708) Crustacea ZMK 2 Detalles
(1709) New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus 2 Detalles
(1710) Culture Collection of Algae 2 Detalles
(1711) A review of New World Malaxa (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae) 2 Detalles
(1712) Diptera Collection of Richard Frey (MZH/Luomus, Helsinki, Finland) 2 Detalles
(1713) Description of Cathorops manglarensis, a new species from the Colombian Pacific, with redescription of Cathorops multiradiatus (Siluriformes; Ariidae). 2 Detalles
(1714) Description of a new Psalmopoeus Pocock, 1895 species (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Psalmopoeinae) from the Chocó region of Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1715) Redescription of the eel Ilyophis arx Robins, 1976 (Anguilliformes: Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae) with a description of a new species of Ilyophis, and a taxonomic synopsis of the Ilyophinae 2 Detalles
(1716) A new species of terrestrial-breeding frog of the genus Pristimantis (Anura Terrarana: Craugastoridae) from the eastern Andean slopes of the southern Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1717) The genera of the Neotropical armored catfish subfamily Loricariinae (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): a practical key and synopsis. 2 Detalles
(1718) A review of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Epeolus Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico 2 Detalles
(1719) Order Chiroptera - Family Vespertilionidae 2 Detalles
(1720) Descripción de una nueva especie del grupo Drosophila tripunctata (Diptera: Drosophilidae) en Cruz Loma, Pichincha, Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1721) Two new species of Parandrinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the genera Parandra and Acutandra from South America 2 Detalles
(1722) A New Species of Camptocerus Dejean, 1821 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Scolytini) from Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1723) From the shadows of the past: Moricand senior and junior, two 19 th century naturalists from Geneva, with their newly described taxa and molluscan types 2 Detalles
(1724) Nasa ojedae (Loasaceae): A new species from the montane forests of Reserva El Corazón, western Andes of Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1725) Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) AVH data 2 Detalles
(1726) ALCB - Herbário Alexandre Leal Costa 2 Detalles
(1727) A review of Paraxenopygus Bernhauer (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with description of two new species 2 Detalles
(1728) Taxonomic revision of Neotropical Phyllocnistis Zeller, 1848 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), with descriptions of seven new species and host plant associations 2 Detalles
(1729) University of Northern Colorado Herbarium 2 Detalles
(1730) The cicada genus Guyalna Boulard & Martinelli, 1996 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Fidicinini): generic description, twelve new combinations, and a key to species 2 Detalles
(1731) Washington State University Herbarium 2 Detalles
(1732) Two new genera and species of Gyponini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from South America 2 Detalles
(1733) Coleccion Liquenes 2 Detalles
(1734) Ohio State University Herbarium - Bryophytes 2 Detalles
(1735) A new genus of Euthyplociinae from Ecuador (Ephemeroptera: Euthyplociidae) 2 Detalles
(1736) Taxonomy of Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Muscidae): revision of the subgenera Morellia s. str. and Parapyrellia Townsend 2 Detalles
(1737) New species of Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) from Central and South America 2 Detalles
(1738) Polychaeta Orbiniidae from Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, the Abyssal Pacific Ocean, and off South America 2 Detalles
(1739) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Diptera 2 Detalles
(1740) Species delimitations in the Atractus collaris complex (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) 2 Detalles
(1741) A new species of Cornutalis Sakakibara (Membracidae: Smiliinae: Acutalini) from Colombia 2 Detalles
(1742) The Crematogaster (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) of Costa Rica. 2 Detalles
(1743) Two new species of Leptanilloides Mann, 1823 (Formicidae: Dorylinae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1744) Two new species of Xanthopimpla (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from Western Amazonia, with a revised key to the Neotropical species of the genus 2 Detalles
(1745) A new species of Pabstiella (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae) from Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1746) Systematics and species recognition in Oneilliella Wilson (Thripidae: Panchaetothripinae) 2 Detalles
(1747) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical species of the braconid wasp genus Pedinotus Szépligeti, 1902 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) 2 Detalles
(1748) Species identity crisis among New World members of the genus Heliothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Panchaetothripinae) 2 Detalles
(1749) Arizona State University Lois B. O'Brien Collection 2 Detalles
(1750) A monographic revision of the Neotropical dung beetle genus Sylvicanthon Halffter & Martínez, 1977 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini), including a reappraisal of the taxonomic history of ‘ Canthon sensu lato’ 2 Detalles
(1751) Crustacea Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba 2 Detalles
(1752) Image Database of Fishes in the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History 2 Detalles
(1753) Collection Oligochaeta - ZIM Hamburg 2 Detalles
(1754) Collection Polychaeta - ZIM Hamburg 2 Detalles
(1755) Collection Arachnida - ZSRO 2 Detalles
(1756) The Exsiccatal Series "Triebel, Microfungi exsiccati" 2 Detalles
(1757) Gastropoda collection (TSZG) The Arctic University Museum of Norway 2 Detalles
(1758) Catalogue of the amphibians of Venezuela: Illustrated and annotated species list, distribution, and conservation 2 Detalles
(1759) Trichoribates sidorchukae sp. nov. (Acari, Oribatida, Ceratozetidae) from tropical montane Ecuador, with revised generic diagnosis 2 Detalles
(1760) NMBE - Arachnological collection 2 Detalles
(1761) Two new species of Andinopanurgus (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Panurginae), with a description of the female of A. amyae 2 Detalles
(1762) A reappraisal of the taxonomy of Neotropical Sialidae (Insecta: Megaloptera): with the description of a new genus from Cuba 2 Detalles
(1763) Shellfish specimens of the Nishinomiya Shell Museum, Japan 2 Detalles
(1764) DSMZ Collection of Filamentous Fungi and Yeasts 2 Detalles
(1765) U. S. National Parasite Collection's holdings from Robert L. Rausch 2 Detalles
(1766) UWBM Mammalogy Collection (Arctos) 2 Detalles
(1767) A new species of Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830 from western Amazonia, with notes on morphology for members of the Thamnodynastes pallidus group (Serpentes Dipsadidae, Tachymenini) 2 Detalles
(1768) CNIN/Tipos Odonata 2 Detalles
(1769) Two new ricinuleid species from Ecuador and Colombia belonging to the peckorum species-group of Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei) 2 Detalles
(1770) Administración Nacional de Institutos y Laboratorios de Salud 2 Detalles
(1771) Fish Collection of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba 2 Detalles
(1772) Additions To The Colombian Anacroneuria Fauna (Plecoptera: Perlidae) With Descriptions Of Seven New Species 2 Detalles
(1773) Museu Darder de Banyoles 2 Detalles
(1774) Taxonomic revision of Guapinannus Wygodzinsky, 1951 (Hemiptera: Schizopteridae), with description of 19 new species 2 Detalles
(1775) Two new Species of Neischnocolus Petrunkevitch, 1925 (Araneae: Theraphosidae) from Eastern and Western Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1776) New records, new genera, and new species in Acanthocinini (Lamiinae) from the Neotropical region, and new synonym in Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 2 Detalles
(1777) Revision of the Neotropical spider genus Acanthoctenus (Araneae: Ctenidae Acanthocteninae) 2 Detalles
(1778) Integrative description of two new species and two new subspecies of Lamprospilus Geyer (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) 2 Detalles
(1779) Una Nueva Especie De Rana Terrestre Del Género Pristimantis (Amphibia: Craugastoridae), De La Cordillera De Kutukú, Ecuador 2 Detalles
(1780) The female of Heteragrion icterops Selys, 1862 (Odonata: Heteragrionidae) with comments and key on the Brazilian females of Heteragrion group B 2 Detalles
(1781) Key to South American genera of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) without erect setae on elytra; synonymies, transferences, revalidation, and notes on genera with erect setae on elytra 2 Detalles
(1782) Collection Aves (spirit preserved) SMF 2 Detalles
(1783) UAZ Bird Collection 2 Detalles
(1784) CMNH Mammals 2 Detalles
(1785) Documenting diversity in the Amazonian butterfly genus Bia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) 2 Detalles
(1786) Ophiuroidea collections of the Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Detalles
(1787) A new genus and two new species of congrid eels (Teleostei: Anguilliformes: Congridae) from the Indo-West Pacific, with a redescription and osteology of Chiloconger dentatus. 2 Detalles
(1788) Unraveling Ocyptamus and the Baccha legacy (Diptera: Syrphidae): redefinition of groups and new species descriptions 2 Detalles
(1789) A revision of Cissidium Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) with seventy seven new species 2 Detalles
(1790) A new species of the deepwater scorpionfish genus Phenacoscorpius (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) from the Galápagos Islands 2 Detalles
(1791) A review of the genus Mirocastnia J. Y. Miller, 1980 (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) with records of recently collected specimens 2 Detalles
(2048) The types of Phasmatodea (= Phasmida) deposited in the Eidgenössisches Technisches Hochschulzentrum, Zürich, Switzerland (ETHZ) 1 Detalles
(2049) Sangmi Lee Research Collection 1 Detalles
(2050) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-ZG 1 Detalles
(2051) Taxonomic and biological notes on Andinopanurgus (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) 1 Detalles
(2052) Baillon Collection 1 Detalles
(2053) SPF-Algae - Herbário da Universidade de São Paulo - Coleção de Algas 1 Detalles
(2054) Three new species, a lectotype designation, and taxonomic and geographic notes in Eburiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) 1 Detalles
(2055) A new huriine genus and notes on morphological characters (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae) 1 Detalles
(2056) Hexapoda MZS 1 Detalles
(2057) Review of the Eulimnadia (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata: Limnadiidae) from Argentina with the description of a new species 1 Detalles
(2058) A New Mormoopid Bat From The Oligocene (Whitneyan And Early Arikareean) Of Florida, And Phylogenetic Relationships Of The Major Clades Of Mormoopidae (Mammalia: Chiroptera) 1 Detalles
(2059) One hundred years of solitude: The rediscovery of Pristimantis ruidus (Anura, Strabomantidae) in the southern Andes, Ecuador and its phylogenetic relationships 1 Detalles
(2060) Revision of Gypogyna Simon, 1900 (Araneae: Salticidae) 1 Detalles
(2061) Novelties in Macrolobium (Detarioideae, Fabaceae) for Northern South America: Two new species and new chorological records from Colombia and Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2062) UWBM Herpetology Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2063) Description of Phelene reinschmidti from Ecuador with notes on the subfamily Lophotettiginae (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae) 1 Detalles
(2064) MSB Parasite Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2065) The Pandemic Blenny, Coralliozetus clausus, a new species of tube blenny endemic to Isla del Coco, Costa Rica (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae) 1 Detalles
(2066) Notes, synonymy and description in American Methiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) 1 Detalles
(2067) New taxa of Neotropical Acanthocerini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) 1 Detalles
(2068) Echigo-Matsunoyama Museum of Natural Science, Usuke Shiga butterfly collection 1 Detalles
(2069) A new genus of katydid from the Amazon Rainforest (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Phaneropterinae; Steirodontini): Ninth contribution to the suprageneric organization of the Neotropical phaneropterines 1 Detalles
(2070) A new species of the genus Malaconothrus (Acari, Oribatida, Malaconothridae) from Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2071) A new tribe of tarsonemid mites (Trombidiformes: Heterostigmatina) parasitic on tetrigid grasshoppers (Orthoptera) 1 Detalles
(2072) Contributions to the knowledge of the Eratoidae. X. Revision of the genus Archierato Schilder, 1933 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) 1 Detalles
(2073) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical Myrmicinae ant genus Blepharidatta Wheeler 1 Detalles
(2074) Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Myriapoda Collection 1 Detalles
(2075) Appalachian State University, I. W. Carpenter, Jr. Herbarium 1 Detalles
(2076) Order Chiroptera - Family Molossidae 1 Detalles
(2077) Clitellata - SMF 1 Detalles
(2078) Ohio Wesleyan University Mammal Specimens (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2079) DNA links Andean tepui endemic Helonoma peruviana to Hapalorchis (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae) 1 Detalles
(2080) On the Neotropical Brincadorus: redescription, new species, taxonomic key and description of a related new genus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) 1 Detalles
(2081) Revision of the Neotropical genus Domodon Reemer (Diptera: Syrphidae), with description of three new species 1 Detalles
(2082) Molluscus specimens of Toyohashi Museum of Natural History 1 Detalles
(2083) Revision of type specimens of Astaena (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Sericini) described by L. W. Saylor 1 Detalles
(2084) CEPEC-Fungi - Coleção Micológica do CEPEC 1 Detalles
(2085) Collection Anatomie Histologie - SMF 1 Detalles
(2086) Collection Lepidoptera SMF 1 Detalles
(2087) CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Hongos Histórica (MA-Funhist) 1 Detalles
(2088) Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid: Invertebrados Poliquetos 1 Detalles
(2089) Mammal specimens 1 Detalles
(2090) DAO Herbarium Type Specimens 1 Detalles
(2091) Brigham Young University (BYU) Herpetology Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2092) Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 1 Detalles
(2093) New Brunswick Museum - Birds 1 Detalles
(2094) University of Arizona Insect Collection RL Minckley Insect Collection 1 Detalles
(2095) Taxonomic revision of Stagmatoptera Burmeister, 1838 (Mantodea: Mantidae, Stagmatopterinae) 1 Detalles
(2096) CNCR/Colección Nacional de Crustaceos 1 Detalles
(2097) Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ophidia Collection 1 Detalles
(2098) Rust fungus specimen of Research Group of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba 1 Detalles
(2099) Fish Collection of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History 1 Detalles
(2100) DSMZ Collection of Plant Viruses 1 Detalles
(2101) The University of Melbourne Herbarium (MELU) AVH data 1 Detalles
(2102) Molluscan collection of Osaka Museum of Natural History 1 Detalles
(2103) PlantBank Records 1 Detalles
(2104) Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Murcia: MUB-MUSCI 1 Detalles
(2105) An updated catalogue of the Collembola (Hexapoda) from Colombia and a perspective for unexplored richness 1 Detalles
(2106) Universitat de València, Colecciones de Criptógamas: VAL_Lich 1 Detalles
(2107) Collections data on ecology of bottom animal of the Southern ocean 1 Detalles
(2108) Revision of Neacomys spinosus (Thomas, 1882) (Rodentia: Cricetidae) with emphasis on Peruvian populations and the description of a new species 1 Detalles
(2109) A new (singleton) rainfrog of the Pristimantis myersi Group (Amphibia: Craugastoridae) from the northern Andes of Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2110) CNIN/Tipos Coleoptera 1 Detalles
(2111) A new species of Farlowella Eigenmann and Eigenmann (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), a stickcatfish from Bolivia. 1 Detalles
(2112) A taxonomic review of the genus Myrmelachista (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica. 1 Detalles
(2113) The South American spider genera Mesabolivar and Carapoia (Araneae, Pholcidae): new species and a framework for redrawing generic limits 1 Detalles
(2114) Ichthyology Collection, University Museum Bergen, University of Bergen 1 Detalles
(2115) Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 54-424A 1 Detalles
(2116) Cyrtodesmus baerti, n. sp., a cryptic millipede from the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Cyrtodesmidae) 1 Detalles
(2117) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Ormiophasia Townsend, 1919 (Diptera: Tachinidae), with the description of eight new species 1 Detalles
(2118) RBspirit - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden fluid-preserved specimens. 1 Detalles
(2119) Colección de Fitolitos del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN-MHN-FIT) 1 Detalles
(2120) New species and new distributional records of Neotropical Mantispidae (Insecta: Neuroptera) 1 Detalles
(2121) Elanela Rolston revisited (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): new distributional records and description of new species 1 Detalles
(2122) R. L. McGregor Herbarium Lichen Collection 1 Detalles
(2123) Molluscan specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History 1 Detalles
(2124) Collection Porifera SMF 1 Detalles
(2125) Collection Agnatha fossil SMF 1 Detalles
(2126) Ocean Genome Legacy Collection 1 Detalles
(2127) NCSM Non-molluscan Invertebrates Collection 1 Detalles
(2128) University of Arkansas Herbarium - Bryophytes 1 Detalles
(2129) ZFMK Mantodea collection 1 Detalles
(1874) Darwin wasps of the genus Seticornuta Morley, 1913 (Ichneumonidae: Metopiinae) in the Neotropical region, with a key to species 1 Detalles
(2130) Asociación Jardín Botánico La Laguna - Herbarium LAGU 1 Detalles
(1875) University of Delaware Insect Research Collection 1 Detalles
(2131) Pisces (Luomus) 1 Detalles
(1876) A new species of Ceratostema (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) from the province of Morona-Santiago, Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2132) On the huntsman spider genus Vindullus Simon, 1880 (Araneae: Sparassidae) 1 Detalles
(1877) Oregon State University Herpetological Collection 1 Detalles
(2133) Taxonomic review of Epicadinus Simon, 1895 (Araneae: Thomisidae) 1 Detalles
(1878) Redescription of Moenkhausia melogramma (Characiformes: Characidae), a poorly known tetra from the western Amazon basin 1 Detalles
(2134) Fungal Internal Transcribed Spacer RNA (ITS) RefSeq Targeted Loci Project 1 Detalles
(1879) Cathorops festae (Boulenger 1898) (Siluriformes; Ariidae), a valid species from Ecuador and Peru 1 Detalles
(2135) The genus Acellomyia González, a new taxonomic arrangement of its species and descriptions of a new genus and two new species from southern South America (Diptera: Tabanidae: Diachlorini) 1 Detalles
(1880) Studies on raspy crickets: New Triaenogryllacris species (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) 1 Detalles
(2136) HSU Wildlife Birds 1 Detalles
(1881) SPFw - Xiloteca do Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo 1 Detalles
(2137) University of British Columbia - Spencer Entomological Collection (UBCZ) 1 Detalles
(2138) UAFMC Herps 1 Detalles
(1883) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection 1 Detalles
(2139) The “ Podus ” complex: New species and notes on some Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 1 Detalles
(1884) MCNH Museum of Cultural and Natural History Bird Collection 1 Detalles
(2140) Telipogon crisariasae (Orchidaceae) a new species from northen Ecuador 1 Detalles
(1885) Colección de Ictiología del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN-MHN-Ic) 1 Detalles
(2141) Six new species of the spider genus Centroctenus Mello-Leitão from the Neotropical region (Ctenidae, Cteninae) 1 Detalles
(1886) Catalogue of distribution of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Brazilian Amazonia. III. Anguidae, Scincidae, Teiidae 1 Detalles
(2142) A new species of Rhadinoloricaria (Siluriformes: Loricariinae) from Colombia 1 Detalles
(1887) UMNH Mammals Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2143) Order Rodentia - Family Erethizontidae 1 Detalles
(1888) Anteon hubeni a new species from Ecuador (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) 1 Detalles
(2144) PC herbarium - Cryptogamy Collection at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1 Detalles
(1889) ISM Mammalogy Collection 1 Detalles
(2145) A new species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the western Amazon rainforest 1 Detalles
(1890) Kirkegaardia (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae), new name for Monticellina Laubier, preoccupied in the Rhabdocoela, together with new records and descriptions of eight previously known and sixteen new species from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans 1 Detalles
(2146) Revision of Taurocerus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatomini) 1 Detalles
(1891) Happywhale - Short-beaked common dolphin in South Pacific Ocean 1 Detalles
(2147) Biological observations from the Dana Expedition Reports 1 Detalles
(1892) Perigomphus angularis spec. nov. from central Ecuador (Odonata: Gomphidae) 1 Detalles
(2148) Pollen characters and DNA sequence data converge on a monophyletic genus Iresine (Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllales) and help to elucidate its species diversity 1 Detalles
(1893) West Virginia Wesleyan College Katharine B. Gregg Orchid Pollinator Collection 1 Detalles
(2149) Incidental notes on some Grassatorean (Arachnida: Opiliones) types of the Senckenberg Naturmuseum (SMF) harvestmen collection 1 Detalles
(1894) Alabama Museum of Natural History Insect Specimens (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2150) Lichen Collection at the Dale A. Zimmerman Herbarium, Western New Mexico University 1 Detalles
(1895) A taxonomic review of the species of Charax Scopoli, 1777 (Teleostei: Characidae: Characinae) with description of a new species from the rio Negro bearing superficial neuromasts on body scales, Amazon basin, Brazil 1 Detalles
(2151) The Neotropical species of Clistopyga (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae). Part IV: the C. eldae species group, with the description of three new species 1 Detalles
(1896) New morphological information on Simulium wygodzinskyorum Coscarón & Py-Daniel, 1989 (Diptera: Simuliidae) 1 Detalles
(2152) A taxonomic revision of the Musician Wren, Cyphorhinus arada (Aves, Troglodytidae), reveals the existence of six valid species endemic to the Amazon basin 1 Detalles
(1897) Geographic variation in select species of the bat genus Platyrrhinus 1 Detalles
(2153) Two new species of the ghost spider genus Macrophyes O. Pickard-Cambridge 1893 from Colombia and description of the first male of Mesilla Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Anyphaenidae: Anyphaeninae) 1 Detalles
(1898) Morphological and molecular evidence support the taxonomic separation of the medically important Neotropical spiders Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909) and P. boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae) 1 Detalles
(2154) Taxonomic contributions to Ageniella Banks, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Brazil 1 Detalles
(1899) Colección nacional de palmas de Colombia - JBQ 1 Detalles
(2155) A new species of Cirrhicera Thomson, 1857 from Mexico, and redescription of Anisopodus acutus Thomson, 1865 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 1 Detalles
(1900) An integrative description of a new tardigrade species Mesobiotus romani sp. nov. (Macrobiotidae: harmsworthi group) from the Ecuadorian Pacific coast 1 Detalles
(2156) Denver Botanic Gardens, Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi 1 Detalles
(1901) New Species of Neotibilis Grazia & Barcellos (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatomini) 1 Detalles
(2157) Consolidation of Aniops Casey, Psiona Casey, Preglyptobaris Bondar and Prospoliata Hustache with Chryasus Champion (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Baridinae) and descriptions of new species 1 Detalles
(1902) Types of Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) deposited at the entomological collection of Instituto- Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina 1 Detalles
(2158) New species, new combinations, and morphological notes of South American Ambrysinae (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) 1 Detalles
(1903) Taxonomic notes and a new species of Episcepsis Butler, 1877 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini, Ctenuchina) 1 Detalles
(2159) Herbarium of the University of Coimbra (COI) 1 Detalles
(1904) The influence of geography in the cranial diversification of the bulldog bats of the genus Noctilio (Noctilionidae: Chiroptera) 1 Detalles
(2160) Description of a new species of Deinodryinus from Ecuador: D. hubeni sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) 1 Detalles
(1905) Description of a new neotropical species of Xiqilliba Kramer (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Neocoelidiinae) 1 Detalles
(2161) Las colecciones del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural 1 Detalles
(1906) A bizarre new species of Lynchius (Amphibia, Anura, Strabomantidae) from the Andes of Ecuador and first report of Lynchius parkeri in Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2162) Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium - Bryophytes 1 Detalles
(1907) Taxonomic revision of the orb weaving spider genus Plato Coddington, 1986 (Araneae: Theridiosomatidae) with the description of three new species 1 Detalles
(2163) SHPR - Herbário da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), campus Santa Helena 1 Detalles
(1908) SANT-Lich 1 Detalles
(2164) UMCS Entomological Collection 1 Detalles
(1909) Colección de Entomología del Museo de Historia Natural C.J. Marinkelle 1 Detalles
(2165) The taxonomic and nomenclatural status of the nomen Anabates pulvericolor Sclater, 1858 (Aves: Furnariidae), with a neotype designation 1 Detalles
(1910) Taczanowskia yasuni new species: A new enigmatic species of spider (Araneidae) from the Ecuadorian Amazon canopy 1 Detalles
(2166) Order Rodentia - Family Cuniculidae 1 Detalles
(1911) Redescription and new records of the monotypic genus Trynocoris Herring, 1976 (Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae: Fulviini) 1 Detalles
(2167) New genus and species of Neotropical Colobotheini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 1 Detalles
(1912) New species of Neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 1 Detalles
(2168) UAFMC Mammals 1 Detalles
(1913) Systematics of the enigmatic South American Streblopus Van Lansberge, 1874 dung beetles and their transatlantic origin: a case study on the role of dispersal events in the biogeographical history of the Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) 1 Detalles
(2169) NHMD Biocultural Botany Collection 1 Detalles
(1914) Herbarium Senckenbergianum (GLM) - Bryophyta 1 Detalles
(2170) Mollusca specimens of Manazuru Shell Museum 1 Detalles
(1915) Columbia-Greene Community College Natural History Museum Bryophyte Herbarium 1 Detalles
(2171) The genus Leucotabanus Lutz (Diptera: Tabanidae) in the Amazon region, with the description of a new species 1 Detalles
(1916) Mollusca collection of Yamaguchi prefectural Yamaguchi Museum 1 Detalles
(2172) Estonian Museum of Natural History Department of Mycology 1 Detalles
(1917) Colección del Phylum Cnidaria del Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Concepción UCCC_MZUC_CNI 1 Detalles
(2173) Systematics, morphometry, and distribution of Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis (H. Allen, 1866) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), with notes on baculum morphology and natural history 1 Detalles
(1918) HEPH herbarium - Jardim Botânico de Brasília - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1 Detalles
(2174) Five new species of the genus Singularia Arenberger, 1988 (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae) 1 Detalles
(1919) IUCN Red List assessment occurrence data for freshwater species native to the Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa Catchment 1 Detalles
(2175) Systematic revision of Calligrapha s. str. Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) 1 Detalles
(1920) A new eyeless species of Howdeniola Osella, 1980 from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) 1 Detalles
(2176) MSB Host Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(1921) Colección de Ornitología - Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Salle 1 Detalles
(2177) Sternarchorhynchus curumim (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae), a new species of tube-snouted ghost electric knifefish from the low- land Amazon basin, Brazil 1 Detalles
(1922) Herbarium Horti Botanici Pisani (PI), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Università di Pisa 1 Detalles
(2178) Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical Augiades Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) 1 Detalles
(1923) Cyphoedma n. gen. now described after a century of use, with the addition of a new species from Central America (Geometridae, Ennominae) 1 Detalles
(2179) A second species of the genus Manodactylus Moser, 1919 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae, Macrodactylini) from the highlands of Colombia 1 Detalles
(1924) Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Mycological Herbarium 1 Detalles
(2180) James Madison University Herbarium 1 Detalles
(1925) The first discovery of the genus Pseudoalaocybites Osella, 1980 from Ecuador, with a description of a new species in an alpine ecosystem (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Molytinae) 1 Detalles
(2181) Taxonomic revision of the genus Schildia Aldrich, 1923 (Diptera: Asilidae: Leptogastrinae) with the description of new extant and extinct species 1 Detalles
(1926) New York State Museum Mycology Collection 1 Detalles
(2182) There and back again: More on the taxonomy of the crab spiders genus Epicadus (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae) 1 Detalles
(1927) Key to South American genera of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae Lamiinae) with erect setae on elytral surface 1 Detalles
(2183) Four new species of Chinaia Bruner & Metcalf (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Neocoelidiinae) from the Neotropical Region 1 Detalles
(1928) Reptile specimens of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History 1 Detalles
(2184) Taxonomy and Natural History of Strumigenys thaxteri Wheeler and Strumigenys reticeps (Kempf) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 1 Detalles
(1929) University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA-VP) 1 Detalles
(2185) Sternarchorhynchus curumim (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae), a new species of tube-snouted ghost electric knifefish from the lowland Amazon basin, Brazil. 1 Detalles
(1930) A revision of the Neotropical ant-like genus Cardiacephala Macquart, including Plocoscelus Enderlein syn. nov. (Diptera: Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae) 1 Detalles
(2186) Study of the Biology of Sea Turtles in Brazil through Satellite Telemetry (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 1 Detalles
(1931) The South American species of Chalcis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) 1 Detalles
(2187) UTEP Herpetology Osteology (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(1932) Colección de reptiles del Museo de Historia Natural de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 1 Detalles
(2188) MO herbarium - Missouri Botanical Garden - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1 Detalles
(1933) Delimitation of Ophioderma teres (Lyman, 1860) and Ophioderma unicolor H. L. Clark, 1940 stat. nov. (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea), including the description of two new species 1 Detalles
(2189) Type localities and distribution records of Proseriata (Platyhelminthes) in the world 1 Detalles
(1934) Georgia Southern University - Savannah Science Museum Herpetology Collection 1 Detalles
(2190) Coelidinae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Tambopata, Madre de Dios Peru: checklist with new records and description of a new species of Walker, 1858 1 Detalles
(1935) Transfer of the Ecuadorian species Oncidium hernandezii to the genus Caucaea (Orchidaceae) 1 Detalles
(2191) University of Montana Zoological Museum (UMZM) Bird Specimens (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(1936) Taxonomic revision of the South American subgenus Canthon (Goniocanthon) Pereira & Martínez, 1956 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini) 1 Detalles
(2192) The Ando-Patagonian Stigmella magnispinella group (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) with description of new species from Ecuador, Peru and Argentina 1 Detalles
(1937) Colección de líquenes del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB-Lichen 1 Detalles
(2193) Masdevallia purocafeana, a new species of Orchidaceae from Cordillera del Toisán, northwestern Ecuador 1 Detalles
(1938) Barcoded Reticulariaceae of the World 1 Detalles
(2194) VectorBase (Bioinformatics Resource for Invertebrate Vectors of Human Pathogens) 1 Detalles
(1939) Revision of Distictus Townes, 1966 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with descriptions of ten new species 1 Detalles
(2195) Three new species of Cirrothaumatia Razowski & Becker from Peru, with notes on the genus (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricinae: Cochylini) 1 Detalles
(1940) UAFMC Birds 1 Detalles
(2196) University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Fungi 1 Detalles
(1941) Royal BC Museum - Herbarium (V) 1 Detalles
(2197) The genus Cuernavaca (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae), associated with Pontederiaceae in South America, with redescription and new records of C. inexacta (Walker) 1 Detalles
(1942) Revision of the family Chasmocarcinidae Serène, 1964 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Goneplacoidea) 1 Detalles
(2198) Clemson University Arthropod Collection 1 Detalles
(1943) Dutrapona, a new genus and three new species of Gyponini (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Central and South America 1 Detalles
(2199) Two new South American species of Monomorium Mayr with taxonomic notes on the genus. 1 Detalles
(1944) Taxonomy and nomenclature of Aspidosperma (Apocynaceae) 1 Detalles
(2200) Angelo State Natural History Collections (ASNHC) Bird specimens (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(1945) A taxonomic review of the genus Diptychophora Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae sensu lato, Crambinae) in Brazil, with descriptions of three new species 1 Detalles
(2201) Happywhale - Blue whale in North Pacific Ocean 1 Detalles
(1946) Illustrated and online catalog of type specimens of freshwater fishes in the Colección de Peces Dulceacuícolas of Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-P), Colombia 1 Detalles
(2202) Colección de Asterales del Museo Botánico CORD 1 Detalles
(1947) Revision of the Traumatomutilla gemella species-group (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) with the description of its hitherto unknown males 1 Detalles
(2203) Prodromus of a fern flora of Bolivia. XLII. Update I. 1 Detalles
(1948) UniLodz NHM Entomological Collection 1 Detalles
(2204) JPB - Herbário Lauro Pires Xavier 1 Detalles
(1949) Duke University Herbarium Algae Collection 1 Detalles
(2205) Colección de peces del Museo de Historia Natural de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 1 Detalles
(1950) CESJ - Herbário Leopoldo Krieger 1 Detalles
(2206) University of Arkansas at Monticello 1 Detalles
(1951) Revision of the southern Andean genus Sadocus Sorensen, 1886 (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae, Pachylinae) 1 Detalles
(2207) Revision of the Bahamian cave-fishes of the genus Lucifuga (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae), with description of a new species from islands on the Little Bahama Bank. 1 Detalles
(1952) Peering beyond the monotypic veil: taxonomy and notes on the parental care of Neocranaus (Opiliones: Gonyleptoidea: Cranaidae) 1 Detalles
(2208) University of Manitoba (WIN) - Lichen Collection 1 Detalles
(1953) Entomologia 1 Detalles
(2209) W herbarium - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien - Amostras Brasileiras Repatriadas - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1 Detalles
(1954) Phylogenetic analysis reveals a new net-winged beetle genus of Eurrhacini (Coleoptera, Lycidae) from the Pacific slopes of Central America and Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2210) Banco de Semillas Jardín Botánico de Cartagena "Guillermo Piñeres" 1 Detalles
(1955) The neotropical flower-living genus Lenkothrips (Thysanoptera, Heterothripidae): three new species and an identification key 1 Detalles
(2211) Callopistria Hübner, 1821 du massif du Mitaraka, Guyane, avec la description d’une nouvelle espèce (Noctuidae, Eriopinae) 1 Detalles
(1956) Araguanema mutabile sp. nov., a new species of a rare genus (Drilonematoidea: Cephalobomorpha) parasitic in earthworms of Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2212) Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University 1 Detalles
(1957) Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) types of the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP), with a brief history of the Coleoptera collection 1 Detalles
(2213) Fishes MZS 1 Detalles
(1958) Revisiting the Andean butterfly Eryphanis zolvizora group (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae): one or several species? 1 Detalles
(2214) The more, the merrier: a new colonial species of the orb weaving spider genus Leucauge White, 1841 (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) from the Amazon rainforest 1 Detalles
(1959) Taxonomic and nomenclatorial revision of the Neotropical genus Phaeoxantha Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) 1 Detalles
(2215) Taxonomy of Tabanus trivittatus species-group (Diptera: Tabanidae), with description of five new species 1 Detalles
(1960) BLM CETAP OPP Sightings 1 Detalles
(2216) ZFMK Hymenoptera collection 1 Detalles
(1961) Central American Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838 (Orthoptera): a preliminary catalogue 1 Detalles
(2217) Atopsyche Banks (Trichoptera, Hydrobiosidae): New species, redescription, and new records 1 Detalles
(1962) The rare genus Myoplatypus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae): three new species, new reports, and first records for South America 1 Detalles
(2218) Annotated type-catalogue of Brachyura (Crustacea, Decapoda) of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Part II. Gecarcinidae and Grapsidae (Thoracotremata, Grapsoidea), with an Appendix of pre- 1900 collectors 1 Detalles
(1963) MACF - MacFadden Herbarium, California State University Fullerton 1 Detalles
(2219) USAC, CECON, Herbario USCG 1 Detalles
(1964) Six new and one known species of Geomonhystera (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) from moss, an epiphytic plant and soil in México and Ecuador 1 Detalles
(1965) Colección de Aves del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A) 1 Detalles
(2221) University of California Santa Barbara Invertebrate Zoology Collection 1 Detalles
(1966) Mammal skeletons in the modern Osteological Collections at the University Museum of Bergen 1 Detalles
(2222) Description of a new Brazilian species of Acanthoderini, new records in American Cerambycinae and Lamiinae, and a replacement name for a genus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 1 Detalles
(1967) Deep-sea Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from the Danish Galathea II Expedition 1950 - 52, with taxonomic revisions 1 Detalles
(2223) California State University, Long Beach Fish specimens (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(1968) SFV - California State University, Northridge 1 Detalles
(2224) Intermountain Herbarium (fungi, not lichens), Utah State University 1 Detalles
(1969) Five new species and a new country record in American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) 1 Detalles
(2225) Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Arachnology 1 Detalles
(1970) Three newly described species of Carex sect. Fecundae (Cyperaceae) from Central America and typification of two related names 1 Detalles
(2226) University of Florida Herbarium - Lichens 1 Detalles
(1971) MVZ Hildebrand Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2227) Taxonomy of five neglected South American species of Dargida Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 1 Detalles
(1972) Clarification of the Correct Original Spelling of Caecomenimopsis jamaicensis Dajoz (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Diaperinae: Gnathidiini: Anopidiina) 1 Detalles
(2228) Deep-sea (> 1000 m) Goniasteridae (Valvatida; Asteroidea) from the North Pacific, including an overview of Sibogaster, Bathyceramaster n. gen. and three new species 1 Detalles
(1973) The return of the Duke - locality data for Megadytes ducalis Sharp, 1882, the world's largest diving beetle, with notes on related species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) 1 Detalles
(2229) Happywhale - Fin whale in South Pacific Ocean 1 Detalles
(1974) Reptilia ZMK 1 Detalles
(2230) Description of a new species of coffee stem and root borer of the genus Plagiohammus Dillon and Dillon from Colombia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae), with a key to the Neotropical species 1 Detalles
(1975) Insect specimen database of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History 1 Detalles
(2231) A new genus and four new species of Darnini (Hemiptera: Membracidae) from South America 1 Detalles
(1976) Macrobiotus polypiformis sp. nov., a new tardigrade (Macrobiotidae; hufelandi group) from the Ecuadorian Pacific coast, with remarks on the claw abnormalities in eutardigrades 1 Detalles
(2232) The neotropical stingless bee genus Nannotrigona Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini): An illustrated key, notes on the types, and designation of lectotypes 1 Detalles
(1977) A new monotypic genus and new species of lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae Coccinellini) from western South America 1 Detalles
(2233) A new species of Malthonea Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Ecuador 1 Detalles
(1978) Revision of the genus Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) with the description of three new species 1 Detalles
(2234) Description of a new ant- and stingless-bee-loving species of Cryptostigma Ferris (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae) from Ecuador living inside internodes of Cecropia (Urticaceae), with an updated key to the adult females and first-instar nymphs of the genus 1 Detalles
(1979) Mediterranean Germplams Genebank - Miscellaneous species (ITA436-MGG-Miscellaneous) 1 Detalles
(2235) Even more new species, additional records, and a revised key for Philothalpus Kraatz (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) 1 Detalles
(1980) Colección de Zoología Invertebrados - Otros invertebrados 1 Detalles
(2236) Cyathea fabiolae (Cyatheaceae, Polypodiopsida), a new scaly tree fern from the northern Andes 1 Detalles
(1981) Description of six new large species of Argentinomyia Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1891 and redescription of Talahua fervida (Fluke, 1945) (Diptera, Syrphidae, Syrphinae) 1 Detalles
(2237) Lucanidae 1 Detalles
(1982) Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, And Corvidae 1 Detalles
(2238) Taxonomic revision of Marma Simon, 1902 (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini) 1 Detalles
(1983) On the first Subandean species of Eutichurus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Cheiracanthiidae) from the Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2239) A new species of Umanella Gauld (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from Ecuador 1 Detalles
(1984) Description of the male of Phoebe ornator (Tippmann, 1960) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Hemilophini), analysis of the species biogeography, and first observation of chromatic gender dimorphism in Hemilophini 1 Detalles
(2240) New species of the Neotropical genus Campatonema Jones (Geometridae, Ennominae) with the first description of the female 1 Detalles
(1985) The tunicates collection (IT) of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris) 1 Detalles
(2241) Catalogue of the Dryinidae and Sclerogibbidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) of Belize, with description of two new species 1 Detalles
(1986) Bell Museum mammals 1 Detalles
(2242) Vanilla andina (Vanilloideae, Orchidaceae), a new species of the membranaceousleaved group from Peru and Ecuador 1 Detalles
(1987) Diagnose of the nominal subgenus of Edessa and description of the E. sexdens group (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae) 1 Detalles
(2243) Incipient insular differentiation of Carex firmula (Cyperaceae, former genus Uncinia) in the Juan Fernández archipelago (Chile) 1 Detalles
(1988) ECOT EcoTarium Ornithology Collection 1 Detalles
(2244) Canadian Museum of Nature Annelid Collection 1 Detalles
(1989) Applying n-dimensional hypervolumes for species delimitation: unexpected molecular, morphological, and ecological diversity in the Leaf-Toed Gecko Phyllodactylus reissii Peters, 1862 (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) from northern Peru 1 Detalles
(2245) Coleção de Herpetologia do Museu de História Natural do Capão da Imbuia 1 Detalles
(1990) MCNH Museum of Cultural and Natural History Reptile Collection 1 Detalles
(2246) A review of Cryphocricos Signoret, 1850 (Naucoridae: Cryphocricinae) with descriptions of three new species 1 Detalles
(1991) A taxonomic review of the parasitoid wasp genera Furcidentia Zettel and Pseudophanerotoma Zettel (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae) from the Neotropics with the description of four new species 1 Detalles
(2247) SAMES herbarium - Herbário São Mateus - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1 Detalles
(1992) Medicinal plants and associated plant collections at Ghana Herbarium 1 Detalles
(2248) Altavelia, a new genus of Neotropical Veliinae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae), with a key to species and descriptions of four new species from Colombia 1 Detalles
(1993) Two new genera of Sclerodermini (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae; Epyrinae) with large, scolebythid-like prosternums 1 Detalles
(2249) A review of the genus Scaponopselaphus Scheerpeltz (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) 1 Detalles
(1994) UK Royal Navy Marine Mammal Observations 1 Detalles
(2250) New records and diagnostic notes on large carpenter bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: genus Xylocopa Latreille), from the Amazon River basin of South America 1 Detalles
(1995) New species and records of Macratriinae LeConte, 1862 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from the Americas with five new descriptions 1 Detalles
(2251) A new genus and seven new species of Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Central and South America 1 Detalles
(1996) Colección de clase Polyplacophora del Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Concepción UCCC_MZUC_MOL 1 Detalles
(2252) The type of Setophaga ruficoronata (Kaup 1851) is a hybrid: implications for the taxonomy of Myioborus warblers (Passeriformes: Parulidae) 1 Detalles
(1997) Four new species and new records of the Neotropical genus Alloraphes Franz (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae) 1 Detalles
(2253) Colección Oológica Cornelis Johannes Marinkelle CJM del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt 1 Detalles
(1998) UMNH Birds Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2254) Herbarium specimens of Jardins botaniques and Conservatoire Botanique of Nancy (NCY) 1 Detalles
(1999) H.A. Stephens Herbarium 1 Detalles
(2255) Systematic studies of the genus Aegialomys Weksler, Percequillo and Voss, 2006 (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): Annotated catalogue of the types of the species-group taxa 1 Detalles
(2000) New leafhopper species and distribution records of Gabrita Walker, 1858 and Sandersellus DeLong, 1945 with revised keys to species (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae) 1 Detalles
(2256) The Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis (Gmelin, 1789) (Aves: Icteridae), at 2,800 m asl in Quito, Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2001) First record to Brazil of one genera and seven species of Psychodidae (Diptera) with further new records for 10 countries on the Neotropics 1 Detalles
(2257) FBIP: SeaKeys - iziko_cartilaginous_fish 1 Detalles
(2002) Catalogue of type specimens of Insecta (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) deposited in the entomological collection of the Museum of Zoology of Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil 1 Detalles
(2258) TUR-V Vainio lichen collections of the Turku University 1 Detalles
(2003) A Taxonomic Revision Of The Spider Genus Meriola Banks (Araneae: Trachelidae) 1 Detalles
(2259) Revision of the spider genus Nyetnops Platnick & Lise (Araneae: Caponiidae) with proposition of the new genus Nopsma, from Central and South America 1 Detalles
(2004) A new Masdevallia (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from the Ecuadorian Amazon foothills of the Llanganates mountains 1 Detalles
(2260) KwaZulu-Natal Museum-Entomology-collection 1 Detalles
(2005) A new species of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) from the northwestern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes 1 Detalles
(2261) Chilean flower visitors 1 Detalles
(2006) UFRN-Fungos - Herbário UFRN - Fungos 1 Detalles
(2262) Inventory of chiton species (Polyplacophora) from the rocky intertidal of the Northern Gulf of California, with an illustrated taxonomic key 1 Detalles
(2007) Prescottia ecuadorensis: a new species of Prescottia (Cranichidinae, Orchidaceae) from Ecuador 1 Detalles
(2263) Xeno-canto - Orthoptera sounds from around the world 1 Detalles
(2008) Masaryk University - Herbarium BRNU 1 Detalles
(2264) Order Chiroptera - Family Emballonuridae 1 Detalles
(2009) Catalogue of Anisopodidae (Diptera, Bibionomorpha) types housed in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil 1 Detalles
(2265) Colección Entomológica de Piedras Blancas 1 Detalles
(2010) Taxonomic revision of the monotypic genera of Siculodini (Lepidoptera, Thyridoidea, Thyrididae, Siculodinae) 1 Detalles
(2266) The uncommon Neotropical genus Pazius Navás, 1913 (Mecoptera: Bittacidae): a comprehensive synthesis, with description of a new Brazilian species 1 Detalles
(2011) Aparatermes thornatus (Isoptera: Termitidae: Apicotermitinae), a new species of soldierless termite from northern Amazonia 1 Detalles
(2267) Happywhale - Short-finned pilot whale in South Pacific Ocean 1 Detalles
(2012) Carnegie Museum Invertebrate Zoology Collection 1 Detalles
(2268) LACM Invertebrate Paleontology 1 Detalles
(2013) Happywhale - False killer whale in North Pacific Ocean 1 Detalles
(2269) DMNS Herp Collection (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2014) A new species of Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) and new geographical records 1 Detalles
(2270) Invertebrate specimens of Tochigi Prefectural Museum 1 Detalles
(2015) Rediscovery of Obeliscus agassizi Pilsbry, 1906 (Gastropoda, Subulinidae, Obeliscinae), annotated checklist of species of Obeliscus Beck, 1837 and first description of the anatomy for the genus 1 Detalles
(2271) Tadpoles of Central Amazonia (Amphibia: Anura) 1 Detalles
(2016) HFSL - Herbário Dr. Ary Tupinambá Penna Pinheiro 1 Detalles
(2272) New species of Hammerschmidtiella Chitwood, 1932, and Blattophila Cobb, 1920, and new geographical records for Severianoia annamensis Van Luc & Spiridonov, 1993 (Nematoda: Oxyurida: Thelastomatoidea) from Cockroaches (Insecta: Blattaria) in Ohio and Florida, U. S. A. 1 Detalles
(2017) The genusAnasa from Ecuador with description of three new species and key to the Ecuadorian species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) 1 Detalles
(2273) New or little-known Neotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) (II): genus Hercostomus Loew excluded from the Neotropics 1 Detalles
(2018) New species of Colombian Triplocania Roesler (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae) 1 Detalles
(2274) New species and records of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Cerrado, Caatinga and relicts of the Atlantic Forest from northeastern Brazil 1 Detalles
(2019) Whimbrel Tracking in the Americas (aggregated per 1-degree cell) 1 Detalles
(2275) Colección de Insectos de la Universidad del Quindío 1 Detalles
(2020) An update of morphological and distributional data of the genus Patrera Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae: Anyphaeninae) with the description of twenty-five new species from Colombia 1 Detalles
(2276) A revision of Lestidae Calvert, 1901 (Odonata: Zygoptera) from Colombia, with the first record of Lestes dichrostigma Calvert, 1909 1 Detalles
(2021) Michigan State University Algae 1 Detalles
(2277) Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Eulibitia Roewer, 1912 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae), with the description of five new species 1 Detalles
(2022) Colección de Saurios Museo de La Salle Bogotá (MLS) 1 Detalles
(2278) A New Species of Thomasomys (Rodentia: Muridae) from Eastern Ecuador, with Remarks on Mammalian Diversity and Biogeography in the Cordillera Oriental 1 Detalles
(2023) Colección de Anfibios Museo de La Salle Bogotá (MLS) 1 Detalles
(2279) Institut Botanic de Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), BC-Lichen-Werner 1 Detalles
(2024) Taxonomic revision of the Dasypus kappleri complex, with revalidations of Dasypus pastasae (Thomas, 1901) and Dasypus beniensis Lönnberg, 1942 (Cingulata, Dasypodidae) 1 Detalles
(2280) Review of Insulestremia Jaschhof, 2004 (Diptera; Cecidomyiidae; Lestremiinae) with description of two new species from Brazil 1 Detalles
(2025) Phylogenetic relationships of the comb-footed spider subfamily Spintharinae (Araneae, Araneoidea, Theridiidae), with generic diagnoses and a key to the genera 1 Detalles
(2281) The species group Amabilis of the genus Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea: Psocomorpha: Ptiloneuridae) 1 Detalles
(2026) National Herbarium van Suriname Pteridophyta Collection 1 Detalles
(2282) University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium - Fungi 1 Detalles
(2027) MVZ Bird Observations (Arctos) 1 Detalles
(2283) Herbarium WRSL, Main Collection 1 Detalles
(2028) Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Museum collection digitized at storage unit level 1 Detalles
(2284) The genus Rosalba Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini) 1 Detalles
(2029) HSU Vertebrate Museum Mammals Collection 1 Detalles
(2285) Moluscos de la Colección de Referencia de Biología Marina de la Universidad del Valle (CRM-UV) 1 Detalles
(2030) Drexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences - Algae 1 Detalles
(2286) PACA-Fungi - Herbarium Anchieta - Fungi Rickiani 1 Detalles
(2031) Colección de Entomología - Auchenorrhyncha 1 Detalles
(2287) Validation of Dracula trignopetala (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) with an English diagnosis and description 1 Detalles
(2032) New species and new records in American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) 1 Detalles
(2288) Butler University - Algae 1 Detalles
(2033) Cryptic multicolored lizards in the Polychrus marmoratus Group (Squamata: Sauria: Polychrotidae) and the status of Leiolepis auduboni Hallowell 1 Detalles
(2289) ENBI-Dataset of GART-GloBIS 1 Detalles
(2034) Revision of the genus Amazunculus Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae), with description of six new species 1 Detalles
(2290) Two new Thereus species from Peru, with notes on ecological niche partitioning (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae) 1 Detalles
(2035) Botanical Research Institute of Texas - Lichens 1 Detalles
(2291) HEPH - Herbário Ezechias Paulo Heringer 1 Detalles
(2036) Colección de Celastrales hasta Escalloniales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV 1 Detalles
(2292) NUP - Coleção Ictiológica do Nupélia 1 Detalles
(2037) ALCB herbarium - Universidade Federal da Bahia - Herbário Virtual REFLORA 1 Detalles
(2293) Taxonomic review of the pipefish genus Pseudophallus Herald, with the description of a new species (Syngnathiformes: Syngnathidae) 1 Detalles
(2038) Colección de Laurales, Liliales, Lycopodiales, Magnoliales y Malpighiales del Museo Botánico CORD - IMBIV 1 Detalles
(2294) Revision of the genus Falsocaenia (Coleoptera: Lycidae) 1 Detalles
(2039) Acrobolbus mashpianus (Acrobolbaceae, Marchantiophyta) sp. nov. from the Northern Andes of Ecuador-Notes on the Bryophytes of Ecuador VII 1 Detalles
(2040) Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Vascular Plant Herbarium 1 Detalles
(2041) A new species of direct-developing frog of the genus Pristimantis (Anura: Terrarana: Craugastoridae) from Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador, with comments on threats to the anuran fauna of the region 1 Detalles
(2042) Xynocoris, new genus of Ochlerini from Central and South America (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae) 1 Detalles
(2043) Phylogenetic analysis and revision of the leafhopper genus Acuera DeLong & Freytag (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Gyponini) based on morphological data 1 Detalles
(2044) Xeno-canto - Chiroptera sounds from around the world 1 Detalles
(2045) Automatic acoustic Monitoring and Inventoring of BIODiversity 1 Detalles
(2046) Biological records from the U.S Antarctic Service Expedition, 1939-41 1 Detalles
(2047) A checklist of seed plant of Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve 1 Detalles